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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 439.
C) Try to find the most important information about Brando's life periods and complete a short biography note of the actor. Retell it.
B) Write down and translate the phrases in bold.
Exercise 31. a) Read and translate the text. 
- Marlon Brando is one of the greatest actors of America and the world.
- He was born in Omaha, Nebraska on April 3, 1924.
- The actor grew up in Illinois and there made an attempt to study at a military academy but failed.
- In 1942 he arrived in New York to study at Lee Strasberg's Actors' Studio.
- There he studied with Stella Adler who promoted the “method approach”, which emphasizes characters' motivation for action.
- There he also got acquainted with the basic principles of Acting Theory.
- Brando made his Broadway stage debut in 1944 in sentimental “I Remember Mama” and then continued to perform on Broadway.
- In 1947, he played his greatest stage role in Tennessee William's “A Streetcar Named Desire”. Later he performed his iconicrole in the film version that came out in 1951.
- He receivedAcademy Award nominations for his performance in that very film in 1951 and two more times.
- In 1954 he got an Oscar for his performance of longshoreman fighting the system in “On the Waterfront” .
- In 1972 he received one more Academy Award for the Best Actor for his depiction of mafia chieftain Don Corleone in Francis Ford Coppola's “The Godfather”.
- But he turned down the prize in protest against Hollywood's treatment of Native Americans.
- Later he took part in the X-rated “Last Tango in Paris” that was both highly controversial and acclaimed.
- Since then, Brando received huge fees for playing small parts in such movies as
“Superman” (1979) and “Apocalypse Now” (1979).
- His co-stars were Johnny Depp, Matthew Broderick, Robert De Niro and Edward Norton.
- His range of roles is a testament to his capability to explore many aspects of the human psyche.
- As for his private life, he was married three times to three ex-actresses and had at least 11 children.
- Brando died in a Los Angeles hospital in 2004 at the age of 80.
- His rough masculinity, gift and skill made him one of the best performers in the world.