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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 431.
a) a means of communicating
the meaning of a word
to communicate personally
a good command of French
to master English
besides learning
to develop one's mind
to make a career
through contacts
to develop mutual understanding
it takes efforts
to comprehend a language
a mother tongue
the purpose of learning
to communicate in another language
| from lesson to lesson
to put into practice
to make progress
it seems easy
to be able to speak
a wide outlook
a well-educated person
science and engineering
as for spelling
every true professional
such countries as
it means
by heart
a career of an interpreter
that's enoug
| b) 1. He speaks French fluently, i.e. he can speak French well, doesn't pause when speaking. 2. I think travelling broadens our minds, i.e. enlarges our knowledge and understanding of our world. 3. She is not very good at English now, but she is working hard at it. 4. Frequent practice is beneficial for developing speaking skills. 5. Learning foreign languages helps people to understand how their own language works. 6. This book on English history expanded my knowledge of the country. Now I know more about modern life in Britain. 7. In the word “get” the first letter is pronounced as [g] which is not according to the rule, it is an exception. 8. Everybody knows that English is a world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. 10. Four hundred million people speak English today, so it is second only to Chinese. 11. Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language and, as a matter of fact, it has nowadays become an international language. 12. So, if you want to feel at home in the world, learn English.