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Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 402.

Знание иностранных языков; общаться лично или письменно; сделать карьеру переводчика; люди других культур; знать друг друга; существует много причин; владеть языком,; без практики; много усилий, родной язык; добиться успеха; что касается меня; расширять кругозор; образованный человек; практика говорения; наизусть; такие великие страны, как; настоящий профессионал; отнимать много времени и усилий; интересоваться чужими культурами; язык прогрессивной науки и техники.

17. Read the text Knowledge of Foreign Languages and answer the questions:

1. What are the reasons for learning foreign languages?

2. What advantages can knowledge of foreign languages give you ?

Knowledge of foreign languages and foreign cultures is becoming more important now days.

There are many reasons why we study foreign languages. Now, when there are many joint ventures1 with foreign companies operating in our country, we need a great number of specialists who know foreign languages. If you know foreign languages you can communicate personally or in writing with others who use these languages. If you want to make a career in science, you must read scientific books and magazines in foreign languages. Knowing foreign languages, you can read the works of foreign writers in the original.

A more general aim is to broaden our intellectual and cultural horizons through contacts with people of other cultures. A knowledge of foreign languages helps people of different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding.

Notes: 1. joint ventures- совместные предприятия.

18. Read the text Learning English and say:

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