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Talking Points

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 347.

Vocabulary Focus


1. Complete the gaps choosing the right alternative.


1. The current … rate is six percent.

a) behaviour b) unemployment c) allocation

2. Cold weather … the crops.

a) affected b) studied c) caused

3. I haven't had much … from my business this year.

a) income b) rate of growth c) price level

4. Digital technology is the latest in television.

a) income b) trend c) behavior

5. An accountant (áóõãàëòåð) has been employed to the company's books.

a) cause b) distribute c) examine

6. We need to find the best way to our resources.

a) divide b) allocate c) influence


2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions, where necessary.


1. The bank deals directly … the private sector.

2. I need time to study … this contract before signing it.

3. No one knows how this decision will influence … the outcome of the election.

4. Consumer magazines can be divided … a number of categories.

5. What may cause … unemployment?

3. Look through the text once again and find the words and phrases which mean the following.

- to satisfy the needs

- a very important subject or problem

- to influence decisions

- the industry as a whole

-to study economy-wide phenomena


1. Imagine that your friend has got an opportunity to take one course in economics, so he has a choice between macroeconomics and microeconomics. Which course would be more interesting and useful? What would your advice be? Why?

Use the following expressions:

I think, I would… (ß äóìàþ, ÿ áû …)

He should perhaps …(Âîçìîæíî, åìó ñëåäóåò …)

In his position, I would … (Íà åãî ìåñòå ÿ áû …)


2. Prepare to talk about the differences and similarities between macroeconomics and microeconomics. Complete the statements and share your opinions.

a) Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the fundamental tools to be learnt, in order to understand … .

b) While the two studies are different, they are interdependent, and together they … .

c) The main differences between … are … .


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