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Key Vocabulary

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 381.




Summary Points

1. Skim the text once more and identify its main idea. Use the necessary vocabulary from Unit 1 Summary Points.

2. Make up a plan of the text about micro- and macroeconomics. Discuss it in pairs, then report to the whole group.

This text can be divided into … parts. Текст можно разделить на … частей.
The text consists of … parts. Текст состоит из … частей.
The first part is about … . Первая часть текста – о …
The second (third, fourth) part describes (analyzes) … . Вторая (третья, четвертая) часть описывает (анализирует) …

Answer the following questions before you read the text below. If you can't answer them now, try to answer them after reading the text.


1. What types of economic systems do you know? What is the difference between them?

2. What factors may affect the type of economy a country holds? When would it be beneficial for a country to change its economy?


1. Study the following list of vocabulary.

1. produce v производить
2. market n рынок
3. determine v устанавливать, определять
4. price n цена
5. trade n торговля
6. exchange n обмен
7. government n правительство
8. society n общество
9. alleviate v уменьшать, ослаблять
10. advancement n развитие
11. decide v решать
12. free enterprise свободное предпринимательство
14. private adj частный
15. wages n зарплата
16. regulate v регулировать
17. provide v предоставить, обеспечить наличие
18. run v управлять
19. tax n налог


2. Mind the following forms of the irregular verb “to sell”:

sell (sold, sold) - продавать


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