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Lesson 2. Intercultural communicative competence

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 421.


Record your dialogues (http://vocaroo.com/) and submit them.

Think of examples of famous (or not famous) people whose language is not 100 % perfect, but they have succeeded in using it and making a career connected with it (e.g. Vitaly Churkin, a Russian diplomat, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, despite his Russian accent, has an excellent command of the English language )


Choose one of the suggested forms ofassessment:

o Make a poster with tips on how to overcome potential difficulties in learning English: inpronunciation, ingrammar, invocabulary.

o Make a PowerPointpresentationon how to make good language learners among students with differentlearning styles.


Key aspects:

1) The notion of culture, cultural iceberg, culture shock and cultural stereotypes

2) Tips for coping with culture shock


One of the most important requirements for successful communication is for learners to develop intercultural communicative competence. It implies the knowledge of such notions as culture, cultural iceberg, cultural stereotypes, culture shock etc. Awareness of the difference of other people's values can help students be more tolerant in the process of communication with representatives of other nationalities.

The objectives

By the end of the lesson a student should be able to:

1) discuss culture, cultural iceberg, culture shock and cultural stereotypes

2) work out ways of raising cross-cultural awareness of students.


The spark:

Verbal encouragement:

1. Think about the following and share your ideas with a partner.

  • What is culture for you?
  • What does it involve?
  • What shapes culture?
  • Why does culture matter?
  • What cultural types and stereotypes do you know?
  • How does culture shape our personality and influence the process of successful intercultural communication?


(Encourage students to be open in their definition of culture. It is a very flexible concept, and they should be encouraged to be open and tolerant. Although this mind map attempts to divide up culture into different parts, students will realize that there is a large amount of overlap, because of the complexity of the subject.

To begin with, students may suggest some obvious differences between cultures such as food, dress and language. Acknowledge that these are indeed differences, at the same time encouraging them to bring out less easily perceived differences such as attitudes to authority or family.)


Present your ideas of culture in form of a mind map similar to this one:

(taken from the textbook “Intercultural Resource Pack” by Derek Utley. Available online. URL:http://assets.cambridge.org/052153/3406/sample/0521533406WS.pdf)




(taken from the textbook “Intercultural Resource Pack” by Derek Utley. Available online. URL:http://assets.cambridge.org/052153/3406/sample/0521533406WS.pdf)



Non-Verbal Encouragement

The spark

  1. Look at the pictures. Describe what you can see and discuss with a partner what culture can encompass.

Taken from URL: https://www.google.ru/search?q=surface+culture&newwindow=1&client=opera&biw=1680&bih=941&site=webhp&tbm=isch&imgil=zvrKrUMRG2FdJM%253A%253B3gM4JfkWt0apdM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ankn.uaf.edu%25252FIKS%25252FIceberg.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=zvrKrUMRG2FdJM%253A%252C3gM4JfkWt0apdM%252C_&usg=__1JLdM6jwe_A2E2OtpYQmTa36qOU%3D&ved=0CCUQyjdqFQoTCIO5-4CM28YCFWZwcgodUD8HUw&ei=wj-lVYPQA-bgyQPQ_pyYBQ#imgrc=zvrKrUMRG2FdJM%3A&usg=__1JLdM6jwe_A2E2OtpYQmTa36qOU%3D

Taken from URL: https://www.google.ru/search?q=surface+culture&newwindow=1&client=opera&biw=1680&bih=941&site=webhp&tbm=isch&imgil=zvrKrUMRG2FdJM%253A%253B3gM4JfkWt0apdM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ankn.uaf.edu%25252FIKS%25252FIceberg.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=zvrKrUMRG2FdJM%253A%252C3gM4JfkWt0apdM%252C_&usg=__1JLdM6jwe_A2E2OtpYQmTa36qOU%3D&ved=0CCUQyjdqFQoTCIO5-4CM28YCFWZwcgodUD8HUw&ei=wj-lVYPQA-bgyQPQ_pyYBQ#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=cultural+iceberg&imgrc=AythPe1zr6EhxM%3A


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In your dialogues use various means of emphasis. | Underline all the words expressing British and American values. To what layer of the cultural iceberg do they belong?
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