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Read the definition of culture shock. Compare it with your own.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 442.

Look at the pictures and say what feelings are associated with culture shock. How would you define culture shock?

Ethnocentrism, Cultural stereotypes and Culture Shock

Nonverbal encouragement


Verbal encouragement

Culture shock is a feeling of confusion, doubt, or nervousness caused by being in a place (such as a foreign country) that is very different from what you are used to.


§ Foreign students often experience culture shock when they first come to the U.S.


§ Moving to the city was a huge culture shock for him.

(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/culture%20shock)

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Underline all the words expressing British and American values. To what layer of the cultural iceberg do they belong? | How can the following notions be related to culture shock?
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