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Exercise 60. Fill in the gaps using the words from the article.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 459.


Exercise 59. Choose the correct letter.

1) It is difficult to describe what a cinematographer does because

  1. the word comes from Greek.
  2. the word covers a number of different jobs.
  3. because it is a very sophisticated job.

2) The general purpose of cinematography is

  1. to show a story in colors.
  2. to make it popular.
  3. to give a visual side to the story.

3) During the preparation stage the director of photography

  1. reads the script to determine how much money the crew will need.
  2. discusses every bit of the film with the film director.
  3. gets engaged in discussing the special effects.

4) For each scene during the shooting the director of photography

  1. chooses the equipment and its position.
  2. decides who will play in each scene.
  3. may sometimes perform the director's functions.

5) After the shooting the director of photography

  1. changes the shots if the director wants him to do it.
  2. ensures the proper color and feelings.
  3. tries to apply criticism to everything he has done.


The director of photography should be good at _______________________, which means the ability to ____________ shots and point out which shots are actually ___________. He should also know the fundamentals of ____________________ in order to be able to use _____________ and ____________. As from time to time director of photography sets up and works with such things as _____________, _______________ , ___________________ and ___________________, he should have some specific knowledge of the _____________________ he works with. The director of photography works closely with the ___________________, trying to visually embody the whole conception of the film. Not the least professional requirement is ___________________ skills, as things suddenly can go wrong and the director of photography has to ______________ various problems in this case. Finally, he should always be informed about new technology and be ready to ________ to it when it is needed and not to forget about the _________________ that he needs to remember while solving creative problems.

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SUMMARY | B) Read the article and make sure you know all the highlighted words.
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