Date: 2015-10-07; view: 433.
Present perfect
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“Addictive!” This is how most visitors describe Thailand. After your first visit, you just have to go back again. Today we are speaking with Margaret who came here with her boyfriend Eric on holiday and never went home.
Margaret, a writer: I come from the UK but I am living in Thailand at the moment. My boyfriend and I only came here for a holiday but we liked it so much that we stayed. We rented a house in the south of Thailand. I think Thailand is a perfect place to live – it's cheap, hot, and inspiring.
We've been here for a year and I've written two novels so far. Eric is happy here too. He's had lots of free time since we moved. He's already done a scuba diving course and a cookery course! We both love Thai food so I think it's a good idea. He has recently started his own business – a small restaurant on the beach. But he isn't working there right now because he has gone trekking in the jungle with his friends.
People often ask me what I like most about living in Thailand. Well, apart from the weather, the food and the
relaxed lifestyle, I like the fact that it is close to other interesting places. We've been to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bali and Malaysia. We have seen the Marble Mountains and the caves of Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. We have walked along white sandy beaches and we have done snorkeling around Bamboo Island in Cambodia. We have seen a lot of exotic fish. We have also visited a great number of Buddist temples. They have made a great impression on us. I can't imagine my life without Thailand.
Margaret [mɑ:rgərɪt] Маргарет
Eric [erɪk] Эрик
Vietnam [viet'næm] Вьетнам
Laos ['leɪɔs] Лаос
Cambodia [kæm'bəudɪə] Камбоджа
Bali ['bɑːlɪ] Бали
Malaysia [mə'leɪʒə] Малайзия
Thailand ['taɪlænd] Тайланд
Bamboo Island [bæm'buː'aɪlənd ] Бамбуковый остров
Ha Long Bay – [ha: lɔŋ beɪ] Бухта Халонг
The Marble Mountains– ['mɑ:bl 'mauntɪnz] Мраморные горы
1. addictive [ə'dɪktɪv]
This place is very addictive
| притягательный
Это место очень притягательное.
| 2. describe [dɪ'skraɪb]
to describe in detail
to describe accurately
This is how most visitors describe Thailand.
| описывать, рассказывать,
подробно описывать
описывать точно
Именно так большинство посетителей описывают Тайланд.
| 3. to rent[rent]
I rented a house in the south of Thailand.
| арендовать
Я сняла домик на юге Тайланда.
| 4. inspiring[ɪn'spaɪərɪŋ]
Thailand is a perfect place to live. It is inspiring.
| вдохновляющий
Тайланд - идеальное место для жизни. Он вдохновляет.
| 5. scuba diving
| дайвинг
| 6. cookery course ['kukərɪ]
He's already done a cookery course.
| кулинарные курсы
Он уже закончил кулинарные курсы.
| 7. to start business['bɪznɪs]
He has recently started his own business – a small restaurant on the beach.
| начать бизнес
Он недавно начал свой бизнес – маленький ресторанчик на пляже.
| 8. jungle['ʤʌŋgl]
He has gone trekking in the jungle with his friends.
| джунгли
Он уехал на трекинг в джунгли с друзьями.
| 9. apart from
Apart from the weather, I like the fact that it is close to other interesting places.
| кроме, помимо
Кроме погоды, мне нравится, что Тайланд расположен рядом с другими интересными местами.
| 10. exotic fish [ɪg'zɔtɪk fɪʃ]
We have seen a lot of exotic fish.
| экзотические рыбы
Мы видели много экзотических рыб.
| 11. to go snorkeling['snɔːkəlɪŋ]
We have gone snorkeling.
| плавать с маской и трубкой
Мы плавали с маской и трубкой.
| 12. a temple['templ]
We have also visited a great number of Buddist temples.
| храм
Мы также посетили много Буддистских храмов.
1. Answer the questions:
1. How do most visitors describe Thailand?
2. Where does Margaret come from?
2.Where is she living now?
3. Why did they stay in Thailand?
5. How long have they been here?
6. How many novels has Margaret written?
7. Why is Thailand a perfect place to live?
8. What has Eric already done?
9. What business has he recently started?
10. Where is Eric now?
11. What question do people often ask Margaret?
12. How does she answer the question?
13. What other interesting places have they visited?
14. What have they seen?