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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 354.

Exercise 33. Do you know the international words? If not try to learn them.

Read out in class what you did at home. See whether you were right.

You can use these ideas or come up with your own.

Exercise 32. 1) At home write about the other students' likes and dislikes using each

expression from Exercise 28 once. Begin with:


As far as I can judge – насколько я могу судить



to go clubbing to play chess to meet new people to listen to classical music

to fly to learn foreign languages to be alone to do jigsaw puzzles

to get up early to go to the dentist to walk in the rain to wear formal clothes

to be the centre of attention to do English homework to dance to sing

to have rehearsals at weekends

modern art babies new challenges family holidays green tea



e.g. As far as I can judge, N loves playing chess. – That's true. or

I'm afraid you're not quite right.


actor актёр

actress актриса

artist художник

assistant ассистент, помощник

budget бюджет

business дело

camera камера

conception концепция, замысел

costume костюм

composition композиция

electrician электрик, осветитель

film фильм

figure фигура

history история

idea идея

interpretation интерпретация, трактовка

manager менеджер, администратор

operator киномеханик

person персона, человек

personnel персонал

photography фотография, операторская работа

problem проблема

producer продюсер

production постановка, производство

profession профессия

role роль

scene сцена (эпизод)

studio студия

style стиль

technician технический работник


<== previous lecture | next lecture ==>
Exercise 31. Talk about your likes and dislikes in pairs. Then report about your partner's interests to the rest of the group. | А) бессуффиксальное словообразование (конверсия).
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