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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 357.


II. Render the following sentences in English using the Passive



1. Об его исследовании в этой области много говорят.

2. Ферми считается выдающимся физиком нашего времени.

3. Я уверен, что его доклад будут слушать с огромным интересом.

4. Повышение стоимости доллара повлияет на стоимость товаров.

5. Студенты продемонстрировали принцип работы нового прибора.

6. Нам указали на преимущества этого метода.

7. После того как ящики были распакованы, мы обнаружили, что некоторые детали машины были сломаны, поэтому сразу же информировали руководство об этом.

8. Невозможно положиться на его исследования в этой области.

9. Все ошибки приняты к сведению и вскоре будут исправлены.

10. В настоящее время много внимания уделяется проблеме защиты окружающей среды.

11. Все данные сравнили, и было решено приостановить проведение эксперимента.

12. Когда же нам объяснят условия договора?

13. Цифры, на которые ссылались, были опубликованы на прошлой неделе.

14. Условия, на которых настаивали, не могли быть приняты.


Ex. 1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Tatiana or Tanya for my friends. My surname or last name is Lavrova. I was born on the 19th of October 1987 in Kharkiv. Now I am a first-year student at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy. In five years I'll be an engineer. Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. Now a few words about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Yevgeny Yakovlevich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother's name is Nadezhda Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot. In May I have finished school. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a programmer or maybe a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career. Two years ago my parents and I traveled much around Europe as tourists. We have visited France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. There the knowledge of English helped me a lot. As you see, my biography isn't very long yet. But we'll meet again and I'll tell you more about myself.


Ex. 2.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name? ___________________________

2. Where and when were you born? ________________


3. How old are you? _____________________________

4. Have you got a family? ________________________

5. How many people are there in your family?________


6. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?_______________________________________

7. What do your parents do?______________________


8. Where do you live?____________________________

9. Did you study well at school?___________________

10. What was your favourite subject?________________

11. What do you like to do in your spare time?________


12. What do you like to read?______________________

13. What sport do you go in for?___________________

14. What are you going to be?_____________________

Ex. 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

My name is Alexander. I am a student of Kiev Technology University. I am 17 years old. I am rather tall, thin. I am well- built, to my mind. I have an oval face with a straight nose. My eyes are rather big and brown. I have long eyelashes. My lips are neither thin nor full. My hair is dark and I have a short cut. Nowadays it's expensive to be smart and fashionable but I try to be well- dressed and neat. I have no beard and moustache. I usually wear a pullover and dark trousers. I was born in January. I am Capricorn. First of all I enjoy listening to loud music. I like good company and parties. As for my character I am cheerful, honest, and sociable. I have a sense of humor. I like jokes. I am well-brought-up and have good manners. I don't respect rude, selfish and foolish people.

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I. Translate the following texts in written form paying attention to passive | Словарный минимум к тексту.
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