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Ex. 4. Write comparative sentences following the example.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 475.

Ex. 3. Write comparative sentences following the example.

Ex. 2. Angela is talking about her cousins -Antonio, Bruno and Simon. Here is a table where they are compared. Write what Angela said about them.


-----   Antonio Bruno Simon
polite +++ ++ +
2. lazy ++ + +++
3. good +++ ++ +
clever ++ +++ +
5. friendly +++ ++ +
6. careful + ++ +++
7. funny ++ +++ +


1. Bruno is more polite than Simon. Antonio is the most polite of all. Simon is the least polite.

2. Antonio _________________________________


3. Bruno ___________________________________


4. Antonio _________________________________


5. Bruno ___________________________________


6. Bruno ___________________________________


7. Antonio _________________________________




London, Leeds (large, small) - London's larger than Leeds. Leeds is smaller than London. this hotel, that one (expensive) - This hotel's more expensive than that one. That hotel's less expensive than this one.

1. Europe, Asia (small, large). __________________


2. France, England (big, small). ________________


3. A journey by car, a journey by train (interesting, boring)._______________________________________

__________________________________________4. A holiday in the country, a holiday in town (pleasant). ______________________________________________

__________________________________________5. A meal in a restaurant, a meal in a cafe (expensive, cheap). ________________________________________


6. The English language, the Japanese language (difficult, easy). _________________________________


Example:That house is very old. Yes, it's the oldest house in the village.

a. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

Yes, ________________ in London.

b Hambledon is a very pretty village.

Yes, _________ _ __ in England.

c Everest is a very high mountain.

Yes,_________________ in the world.

d Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

Yes,_________________ in America.

e Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

Yes,____________ in our school.

f Maria is a very intelligent student.

Yes,_________________ in our class.

g This is a very easy exercise.

Yes, in the book.

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DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES | Ex. 6. Fill in the blank spaces with one suitable verb.
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