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What is Marketing?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 609.

Text А

Understanding Marketing


Marketing is the business function that identifies customer needs and wants, determines which target markets the organization can serve best, and designs appropriate products, services, and programs to serve these markets. However, marketing is much more than just an isolated business function – it is a philosophy that guides the entire organization. The goal of marketing is to create customer satisfaction profitably by building value-laden relationships with important customers. The marketing department cannot accomplish this goal by itself. It must team up closely with other departments in the company and partner with other organizations throughout its entire value-delivery system to provide superior value to customers. Thus, marketing calls upon everyone in the organization to “think customer” and to do all they can to help create and deliver superior customer value and satisfaction. As Professor Stephen Burnett of Northwestern puts it, “In a truly great marketing organization, you can't tell who's in the marketing department. Everyone in the organization has to make decisions based on the impact on the customer”.

Although marketing is all around us and we all need to know something about it, most people are surprised to find out that marketing is so widely used. Marketing is used not only by manufacturing companies, wholesalers, and retailers but by all kinds of individuals and organizations. Lawyers, accountants, and doctors use marketing to manage demand for their services. So do hospitals, museums, and performing-arts groups. No politician can get the needed votes and no resort the needed tourists without developing and implementing marketing plans.

People at all levels of these organizations need to know how to define and segment a market and to develop need-satisfying products and services for chosen target markets. They must know how to price their offerings to make them attractive and affordable and how to choose middlemen to make their products available to customers. And they need to know how to advertise and promote products so that customers will know about and want them. Clearly, marketers need a broad range of skills in order to sense, serve, and satisfy consumer needs.

People also need to know about marketing in their roles as consumers and citizens. Because someone is always trying to sell us something, we need to recognize the methods they use. And when students enter the job market, they must conduct "marketing research" to find the best opportunities and develop the best ways to "market" themselves to prospective employers. Many students will start their careers with marketing jobs in salesforces, in retailing, in advertising, in research, or in one of a dozen other marketing areas.

What does the term marketing mean? Many people mistakenly think of market­ing only as selling and promotion. And no wonder - every day, people are bombarded with television commercials, newspaper ads, direct mail, and sales calls. It seems that we cannot escape death, taxes, or selling.

Therefore, many people are surprised to learn that selling is only thetip of the marketing iceberg: It is but one of several marketing functions - and often not the most important one. If the marketer does a good job of identifying consumer needs, developing good products, and pricing, distributing, and promoting them effectively, these goods will sell very easily.

Everyone knows something about "hot" products to which consumers have flocked in droves. When Polaroid designed its Spectra camera, when Coleco first sold Cabbage Patch Dolls, and when Ford introduced its Taurus model, these manufacturers were swamped with orders. They had designed the "right" products - not "me-too" products, but ones offering new benefits. Peter Drucker, a leading management thinker, has put it this way: "The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself."

This does not mean that selling and promotion are unimportant, but rather that they are part of a larger "marketing mix" - a set of marketing tools that work together to affect the marketplace. Somarketingcan be defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.

The official American Marketing Association definition of marketing is:

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

Note several things about this definition. First, marketing is viewed as a process of planning and executing, which suggests that marketing is a managerial process. Second, this managerial process involves conception (i.e., thinking of or deciding what idea, goods or service to market) and the pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services. Third, the managerial process is directed at creating exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

Marketing is part of our society. Its influence on society is more than economic. Marketing has a cultural influence on so­ciety. As a cultural phenomenon it can help shape our wants and desires. Marketing is also important to an organization because it helps that organization create successful exchange relationships with potential buyers. For this to take place, the right products must first be produced and then correctly distributed, promoted, and priced. Note that these tasks relate to our definition of marketing.

Marketing is important to each of us because it allows us to specialize. To better appreciate this, imagine a society in which each person must hunt, cook, and make his or her own clothing, shelter, and tools. Predictably, not everyone in this society would be equally proficient at all these activities. In fact, if the best hunter concentrated on hunting, the best toolmaker on making tools, and soon, then the society could create a higher level of wealth. However, this system would only work if everyone could exchange their surpluses for the goods and services they needed. By establishing a marketing system, people are given the freedom to specialize.


I. Key terms:


Product - продукт – anything, that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations, and ideas.
Service - послуга – any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.
Target markets - цільовий ринок – a set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve.
Wholesaler - оптовий торговець – a firm engaged primarily in wholesaling, i.e. in all activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for resale or business use.
Retailers - роздрібні торговці – business whose sales come primarily from retailing, i.e. all activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final customers for their personal, non-business use.
Middlemen - посередники – distribution channel firms that help the company find customers or make sales to them, including wholesalers and retailers who buy and resell goods.  
Marketing research - маркетингові дослідження – the function, that links the customer, the consumer, and public to the marketer through information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, to generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; to monitor marketing performance, and to improve understanding of the marketing process.


II. Vocabulary notes:

identify,v. 1. say, show, prove, who or what sb. or smth. is; establish the identity of; identify smth. with smth; treat smth. as identical (with); equate (one thing with another) – ототожнювати, з'ясовувати тотожність; ідентифікувати; визначати; з'ясовувати; 2. identify (oneself) with sb./smth. – give support to, be associated with; feel close to – назвати себе; солідаризуватися, приєднуватися.
identification,n. identifying or being identified - ідентифікація, розпізнання, з'ясування істинності; ототожнення; пізнавання; визначення; з'ясування.
determine,v. 1) decide; fix precisely: to determine the meaning of a word – визначати; 2) calculate; find out precisely: to determine the speed of light – вимірювати, обчислювати; 3) determine to do smth.; determine on/upon smth. – decide firmly, resolve, make up one's mind – приймати рішення, вирішувати, зважуватися, робити вибір; to determine the case – вирішити справу, ухвалити рішення у справі; 4) determine sb. to do smth./against smth. – cause to decide – спонукати, примушувати, стимулювати; 5) be the fact that determines – обумовлювати, детермінувати, зумовлювати, прирікати; 6) to put an end to: to determine the crisis – покласти край кризі
determinable,adj. that can be determined – визначений, юр. що минає; a lease determinable at the end of five yeasr – оренда строком на п'ять років;
define, v. 1) state precisely the meaning of (e.g. words) – визначати, давати точне визначення, характеризувати, давати характеристику; 2) state or show clearly - встановлювати, окреслювати, виділяти;  
definition, n. 1) defining; statement that defines – визначення, дефініція, тлумачення; 2) clearness of outline; making or being distinct in outline – якість, чіткість, виразність, певність; 3) power of a lens (in a camera or telescope) to show clear outlines – чіткість (якість, різкість) зображення;
accomplish, v. 1) perform, succeed in doing – виконувати, досягати, удосконалювати; an accomplished fact – smth. already done – доконаний факт; 2) finish successfully – завершувати, доводити до кінця;
accomplished, adj. clever, skilled – вправний, кваліфікований, досконалий, досвічений, освічений, культурний, вихований;
impact (on), n. 1) collision – колізія, зіткнення, сутичка; 2) force exerted by one object when striking against another – удар, поштовх, імпульс; 3) strong impression or effect - вплив, дія;
implement, v. carry an undertaking, agreement, promise into effect – виконувати, здійснювати, забезпечувати виконання, втілення в життя;
implementation, n. fact of carrying an undertaking, agreement, promise into effect – здійснення, виконання, втілення в життя;
design, v. 1) prepare a plan, sketch, etc. (of smth. to be made) –складати план (схему), проектувати, конструювати; виконувати; 2) make designs from which smth. will be made –займатися проектуванням, бути конструктором (дизайнером), креслити; 3) design for – set apart, intend, plan – задумувати, замишляти, мати намір, планувати; пристосовувати, призначати;
design, n. 1) drawing or outline from which smth. may be made; art of making such drawings – креслення, ескіз, малюнок, твір мистецтва; 2) general arrangement or planning (of a picture, book, building, machine, etc) – проект, творчий задум, план; 3) pattern; arrangement of lines, shapes, detailes, as ornament – малюнок, візерунок, композиція, дизайн; 4) purpose, intention, mental plan – задум, намір, мета; by design – навмисно;
benefit, n. 1) advantage; profit; help – перевага, привілей, користь, вигода, прибуток, благо; for the benefit of smb. – на благо (на користь) когось; for your special benefit – тільки заради вас; 2) act of kindness, favor, advantage – благодійність, доброчинність, благодіяння, милість; 3) allowance of money to which a person is entitled as a citizen or as a member of an insurance society, etc.; medical/unemployment/sickness benefits – пенсія, допомога (медична, страхова, по хворобі, по безробіттю тощо); 4) give sb. the benefit of the doubt – виправдати когось через відсутність доказів;
benefit, v. 1) to do good to - давати користь, допомагати, справляти благотворний вплив; 2) benefit from/by – receive benefit from/by – одержувати користь (допомогу), здобувати вигоду, давати прибуток;
execute, v. 1) carry out (what one is asked or told to do): execute sb's commands; execute a plan/a piece of work/a purpose – виконувати, здійснювати; 2) (legal) give effect to: execute (a will) – виконувати (судове рішення, заповіт); 3) (legal) make legally binding: execute a legal document by having it signed, witnessed, sealed and delivered – оформляти (юридичний документ, договір, тощо); 4) carry out punishment by death on (sb.): execute a murderer – страчувати (вбивцю);
execution, n. 1) the carrying out or performance of a piece of work, design, etc. - виконання, здійснення; put/carry smth. into execution – виконувати, здійснювати; 2) destructive effect – зруйнування, спустошення; 3) infliction of punishment by death – страта; 4) giving effect to – виконання (вироку, тощо); виконання формальностей, оформлення (документу); виконавчий лист;
executive, adj. 1) having to do with managing or executing: executing duties/abilities - виконавчий; executive power – виконавча влада; executive committee – виконавчий комітет; 2) having authority to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc. – урядовий, виконавчий, президентський; the executive branch of a government - виконавча гілка уряду; the executive head of the nation – а) глава уряду; б) глава держави, президент; executive order – а) урядове розпорядження; б) розпорядження президента; 3) Am. administrative – адміністративний; executive business – адміністративні питання;
executive, n. 1) the executive – administration, judiciary, legislature – виконавча влада, виконавчий орган; 2) (in the civil service) person who carries out what has been planned or decided: Executive, Am. – глава виконавчої влади; Chief Executive – а) президент (США); б) губернатор; в) мер міста; 3) person or group in a business or commercial organization with administrative or managerial powers – керівник, адміністратор;
appreciate, v. 1) judge rightly the value of; understand and enjoy – цінити, гідно оцінювати; 2) put a high value on – високо оцінювати, розуміти цінність (значення), визнавати цінність, високо ставити; 3) econ.(of land, goods, etc.) increase in value – підвищувати ціну; підвищуватися в ціні; 4) econ. give judgment, valuation – визначати вартість (ціну); 5) realize and understand – усвідомлювати, розуміти; добре розбиратися (в чомусь); бути знавцем; брати до уваги, враховувати, зважати; to appreciate the necessity – зважати на необхідність;
appreciation, n. 1) judgment, valuation – оцінювання, висока оцінка, вдячність; 2) proper understanding and recognition – оцінка по заслузі, правильне розуміння; to show appreciation of smth. – визнавати цінність (значення) чогось; схвальний відзив; позитивна рецензія; 3) rise in value, e.g. of land, business shares – підвищення цінності (ціни); подорожчання; appreciation of capital – підвищення вартості капіталу.



III. Answer the following questions:


1. What kind of business function is marketing?

2. What is the goal of marketing?

3. Who can accomplish this goal?

4. Why do people need to know a lot about marketing?

5. Do you think that marketing is only selling and promotion? Why or why not?

6. How can the term “marketing” be defined?

7. What is the official American Marketing Association definition of marketing?

8. How is the definition of marketing provided in this text different from the view of marketing you had before you read it?

9. What is a key point about this definition?

10. Why is marketing part of our society?

11. Prove that marketing is important to each of us, to an organization and society as a whole?



IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations and translate the sentences in which they are used:


Needs and wants, appropriate products, isolated function, to create customer satisfaction, value-delivery system, wholesalers and retailers, performing art groups, need-satisfying products and services, a broad range of skills, commercials, direct mail, “me-too” products, managerial process, to satisfy individual and organizational objectives, cultural phenomenon, to shape, potential exchange relationship, to be proficient, to establish a market system.


V. Find English equivalents to the words and word combinations given below:


Задовольняти потреби покупця, отримуючи прибуток; досягати мети; співробітничати; забезпечувати споживача тим, що має найвищу цінність; зобов'язувати кожного думати про споживача; вплив; дізнаватися; компанія, що займається виробництвом; управляти попитом; отримувати необхідні голоси; розробка та впровадження маркетингових планів; визначати ринок і розподіляти його на сегменти; цільовий ринок; встановлювати ціну; продукція, яку споживач спроможний придбати; продукція, яка доступна покупцеві (що є в наявності); рекламувати та просувати товари на ринок; проводити маркетингові дослідження; візити комівояжерів; збут; верхівка айсбергу; виявляти потреби споживача; товари, що користуються підвищеним попитом; скупчуватися натовпом (юрбою); завалити замовленнями; зайвий (непотрібний); маркетинговий комплекс; впливати на ринок; планування та виконання; здійснювати облік; потенційний покупець; оцінювати (позитивно); рівень добробуту; надлишок; рівень життя.


VI. Memorize the following terms and use them in your own sentences:


a. Market - 1) ринок (як економічна категорія); 2) біржа; 3) місцевий ринок; 4) торгівля на ринку; 5) Ам. спеціалізований продовольчий магазин; 6) ринок транспортних послуг; 7) обсяг потенційних перевезень;
  stock market - фондова біржа;
  money market - ринок короткострокового капіталу, валютний ринок (не плутати з валютною біржею);
  market order - “ринковий наказ” (про миттєве здійснення ділової операції за найкращою поточною ціною);
  market value - ринкова (біржова) вартість цінного паперу (на відмінність від номінальної);
  market price - ринкова ціна, тобто остання ціна;  
  over-the-counter market (OTC) syn. unlisted, off-board - позабіржовий ринок цінних паперів;
  to buy (sell) at the market - купувати (продавати) “за найкращою ціною”;
  to size up the market - оцінити кон'юнктуру ринку;
  market for silver - ринок срібла;
  the market is advancing - настрій ринку спрямований на підвищення;
  the market is depressed - настрій ринку пригнічений (попит незначний і ціни підвищуються);
  the market is easier - ціни на ринку знижуються;
  the market is excited - ринок у збудженому стані;
  the market is firm - настрій ринку твердий (ціни встановились на більш високому рівні і проявляють тенденцію до подальшого підвищення);
  the market is neglected - попит відсутній, покупці не виявляють інтересу до закупок;
  the market is off - ціни на ринку падають, на ринку різке послаблення попиту;
  the market is recovered - ринок відтворився;
  marketability - придатність для продажу, товарність;
  marketeer - розм. збутовик, продавець, ринковий агент, учасник купівлі-продажу;
  black marketeer - торгуючий на чорному ринку; спекулянт;
  marketer - розм. збутовик чи закупник;
  marketing - маркетинг;
  to bolster marketing - підтримувати збут;
  marketplace - ринок;
  commercial marketplace - вільний ринок;
  marketwide - у масштабах ринку.
b. Advertisement - рекламне оголошення, реклама;
  black-and-white ad. - не кольорова реклама;
  front page ad. - реклама на титульній сторінці;
  full-page ad. - рекламне оголошення на цілу сторінку;
  joint ad. - колективна реклама;
  wall ad. - настінна реклама;
  advertise - створювати рекламу товару; рекламувати; розміщувати оголошення;
  advertiser - 1) особа, що дає оголошення; рекламодавець; 2) журнал чи газета з оголошеннями;
  advertising - 1) реклама, рекламування; 2) рекламна справа; публікація оголошень.

VII. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents:


a. 1) agricultural commodities market 1) зовнішній ринок
  2) black market 2) міжнародний, євровалютний ринок
  3) capital market 3) внутрішній ринок
  4) commodity market 4) Ам. неофіційний ринок цінних паперів; чорний ринок
  5) competitive market 5) ринок конкуруючих продавців
  6) curb market 6) ринок (довгострокового позичкового) капіталу
  7) domestic market 7) фінансовий ринок
  8) Eurocurrency market 8) фондова біржа
  9) Eurodollar market 9) товарна біржа
  10) exchange market 10) інвестиційний ринок
  11) financial market 11) ринок облігацій; ринок довго-строкового позичкового капіталу
  12) foreign market 12) валютний ринок
  13) investment market 13) чорний ринок
  14) stock market 14) міжнародний євродоларовий ринок
  15) bond market 15) ринок сільськогосподарської продукції
b. 1) advance advertising 1) газетно-журнальна реклама
  2) bank advertising 2) пряма споживча реклама
  3) billboard advertising 3) банківська реклама
  4) consumer advertising 4) попередня реклама
  5) direct advertising 5) Ам. реклама на стендах
  6) direct-mail advertising 6) рекламування в комерційній пресі
  7) display advertising 7) реклама, вибірково спрямована на певного споживача
  8) media advertising 8) рекламування в транспорті
  9) reminder advertising 9) пряма поштова реклама
  10) selective advertising 10) споживча реклама
  11) trade advertising 11) ілюстративна реклама
  12) transit advertising 12) повторна реклама



VIII. Fill in the blanks from the words below. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

identify (2); define (2); definition; determine (2); accomplish; impact; implement; design, n. (2); design, v.; benefit (3); execution; executive; appreciate (2); appreciation (2); product.


1. He _____ to start his own business.

2. The _____ refused to become _____ with the new political party.

3. If the marketer does a good job of _____ consumer needs, developing good products, pricing, distributing and promoting them effectively, these goods will sell very easily.

4. The _____ of marketing on society is more than economic.

5. The powers of a judge are _____ by law.

6. What _____ this businessman to accept the offer?

7. This course of study is _____ to help those wishing to study abroad.

8. When boundaries between countries are not clearly _____ there is usually trouble.

9. The money is to be used for the _____ of the poor.

10. A key point about this _____ of marketing is that it views marketing as an exchange process.

11. He is the person who will never _____ anything.

12. Write an _____ of a new textbook.

13. The agreement was soon _____.

14. This product has a number of _____.

15. The land has _____ greatly since the new railway was built.

16. _____ of faulty _____ will not sell well.

17. Whether by accident or _____ he came too late to the meeting.

18. Members of this insurance society get medical _____.

19. His intention was good, but his _____ of the plan was unsatisfactory.

20. You can't _____ this book unless you read it with attention.



IX. Adjectives versus adverbs. Look at the following sentences:


Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.

Most people mistakenly think of marketing as selling and promotion.


Now complete the sentences below with a word chosen from the following list:


hard heavily late slightly well
successful normally lately generous rapidly


1. Our product is so _____ that we are _____ running out of stock.

2. _____, we invest _____ at this time of year.

3. Profit has only _____ increased and therefore we have had to cut back on further investment.

4. _____, he has been arriving _____ at every meeting.

5. The sales department performed _____ last year so we have given all the sales people a _____ bonus.

6. He worked so _____ that he fell ill.


X. Adjective modification. Look at the following sentence:


In a truly great marketing organization …


Now complete the sentences below by combining two adjectives from the following list:


oriented complex tremendous different
good radical sufficient unusual
qualified commercial technical difficult


1. She is very _____. I think she should get the job.

2. The computer program is _____. I can't understand it.

3. Normally the work is easy. This time it has proved _____.

4. He's _____ but not _____, so he'd make a good engineer but not a salesman.

5. The policy is not _____ from last year. Basically we will try to increase market share.


XI. Read the following statements about the role of marketing and give answers to the questions below:


1) “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing depart­ment”. (David Packard)

2) “In a truly great marketing organization, you can't tell who is in the marketing department. Everyone in the organization has to make decisions based on the impact on the consumer”. (Profes­sor Stephen Burnett)

3) “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customers so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself”. (Peter Drucker).

4) “Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer”.

5) “Marketing is getting the right goods and services to the right place at the right time at the right price with the right communication and promotion”.

6) “Marketing is the creation and delivery of a standard of living”.



1. Which statement suggests that everybody in а company is a marketer?

2. Which statement completely discounts the importance of selling?

3. Which statement emphasizes the role of the four P's (product, price, place, promotion)?

4. Which statement sees marketing more in a sociological role?

5. What could be your definition of marketing?



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