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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 366.

Exercise 34. Translate into English.

Притяжательный падеж is has


B) Report what your partner hasn't got.

Exercise 32. a) In pairs. Find out what your partner hasn't got.

e.g. Have you got a tripod? Actually, I have.

Have you got a slate? – No, I haven't, because I don't need it.

Have you got portable speakers? – Unfortunately, I haven't. But I'd like to have them.

e.g. Mary hasn't got a slate because she doesn't need it.

Unfortunately, she hasn't got portable speakers, but she wants to have them.

-'sможет обозначать:


Exercise 33. Say what 's stands for and write full forms.

1. I'm sorry. – That's all right.

2. There's someone behind the door.

3. Who's there?

4. He's got a nice smile.

5. I don't like Nancy's acting.

6. She's fond of watching period films.

7. It's Paul's signature.

8. He's really punctual.

9. The sound designer's job is very difficult.

10. Mr. Gordon's first name's Michael.

  1. У моего друга много русских книг, но у него нет книг на французском.
  2. У кого есть вопросы? – У нас есть несколько вопросов.
  3. Теперь у неё есть время, чтобы заниматься английским.
  4. У меня новый компьютер!
  5. В четверг у них две лекции и один семинар.
  6. У моего дедушки большая библиотека.
  7. Я завтракаю в 8 часов утра.
  8. Когда вы обедаете?
  9. У неё нет друзей в Санкт-Петербурге.
  10. Отдохните.



Exercise 35. Speak about your flat or room according to the model given in the article "Bedroom in Arles" by Vincent Van Gogh (see ex.27).


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