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A. Look at the phrases and words in italics in the text and explain what they mean.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 583.

C) Tuck a few business cards everywhere.

B) Draft and practice a business card presentation.

A) Invest in new cards.

If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that the information or photo is out of date by now. And if your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself why you haven't been passing them out. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and get business cards you're proud of!

Unless you're comfortable and confident when handing out your card, you won't do it. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to someone can really cement a positive first impression.

Your car's glove compartment. Your briefcase. Your gym bag. Your wife's purse. Next to the front door on the table where you keep your keys. Your desk drawer. Your secretary's desk. The pocket of your coat. Your suitcase.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What tips about business cards do you find interesting?

2. How to invest in new cards?

3. To your mind, which method of remembering about cards is better?

4. How can your business card cement a positive first impression?

5. Where would you keep your business cards?

C. Complete the sentences:

1. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and ____________________.

2. If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that ____________________________________________________.

3. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to______________________________________________________.

4. If your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself ______________________________________________________.

5. Forgetting your business card is __________________________________.


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Ex.11. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. | Ex.2. Define what tense forms should be used in the following micro-situations. Refer to the Table of Present Tenses if necessary. You don't need to translate the sentences.
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