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A Scientific Conference

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 796.

A Project/Case Study


2 Task/Process: Choose any form of the performance, prepare and discuss the following topic:‘Life Long Education: Problems and Solutions'.

3 Results/Evaluation:Analyse the results of the discussion and prepare a report (300-350 words) on it.

2 Task/Process:Chooseany form of the performance, prepare and discuss the following topic:The Implementation of the Bologna Recommendations in the System of Foreign Languages Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan'.

3 Results/Evaluation:Analyse the results of the project/case study and prepare a presentation on it.

2 Task/Process:Divide into several groups:

  1. Group A: You organize the conference, choose the theme, think over the names of the sections, create a leaflet to inform the people about the conference, write about the requirements to the articles, collect the articles, organize the conference, edit the booklet of articles;
  2. Group B: You represent the Republic of Kazakhstan. You want to participate in the scientific conference. Choose the section, write your article, present it at the conference;
  3. Group C: You represent the foreign countries, organizations. You want to participate in the scientific conference. Choose the section, write your article, present it at the conference;

3 Results/Evaluation:Analyse the results of the conference, write a report on the conference outcome (300-350 words).


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