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Discuss the questions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 682.

Read the following situation.


Read the letters you get, answer the questions.

Role play the interview at the centre you would like to visit, work at, etc., write a letter to the centre asking for information you are interested in.

Prepare a presentation of the work of your centre.


1 Divide into groups, choose one of the following centres:

  1. ‘A Scientific Lab'
  2. ‘A Centre of the Children's Development'
  3. ‘A Centre of Innovations'
  4. ‘A Computer Centre Club'
  5. ‘A Linguistic Centre'
  6. ‘A Centre of Health and Well-Being'
  7. ‘A Centre of Professional and Personal Development'

‘In recent decades the influence on society of science and technology such as genomics and biotechnology, has been increasing. Yet, in Europe, young people's interest for science has declined. While society is becoming increasingly dependent on technology and the use of knowledge, the acquisition of skills to handle this knowledge and technology is under threat (Rocard, Csermely et al. 2007). Research shows that effective and attractive science education is not easy to establish'.


  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion presented?
  2. Is there the same attitude to science in the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  3. What are the reasons of the problem?
  4. How can this problem be solved?

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