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Assignment 6. Match the words with their definitions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 623.

Assignment 5. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

1) If the small business … is going to have a growing and successful business, that person must understand how to … one of the business's most important resources, people.

2) A small business … should aim to … those individuals who are best qualified to … the … … .

3) … is the practice of actively seeking workers rather than waiting for them to come to you.

4) … … should fit the needs of the company and … to the … .

5) Then the … should be put at ease and encouraged to discuss items on the … which need to be clarified.

6) Before deciding to … an individual, the … which have been provided should be checked.

7) … … includes any activity that provides information or the development of skills that improves the employee's performance.

8) Other forms of education, such as special or technical university courses, are sometimes useful in … specific employees.


applicant, specification, fee, personnel, to manage,

personnel manager, interview, aptitude, to train

1) The entire body of persons employed by an organization, as opposed to material.

2) Natural ability or cleverness suited to a particular kind of work or activity.

3) A person who applies for employment.

4) A very detailed written statement giving a description of the form and content of an article or commodity, or the process by which something is produced.

5) To direct, control, take charge of (a business or organization).

6) A meeting, especially of two or of only a few persons to do business, or to decide whether one of the persons is fit for a post.

7) A manager responsible for all matters concerning the employment of factory workers, office staff.

8) A payment for a piece of professional advice or for some special service.

9) To teach somebody a skill, occupation or profession.


Assignment 7. Supply the sentences with the missing words.

employment, applicant, objectives, qualification, skills,

purposes, requirement, experience, performed, training

1) The ceremony was … at the same time in nineteen other countries.

2) One of the … you need in advertising is a fertile mind.

3) He has retired from regular … .

4) Math is no longer a prime … for a career in accounting.

5) There was a long waiting list of … for jobs.

6) He attended evening … courses on advertising making.

7) She's had nine months' … .

8) They acted with great … and conviction.

9) Complete secrecy was essential in our … .

10) If this policy is reversed we shall never achieve our … .


Assignment 8. Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs either in the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.

1) We (want) not to see the accounts because we (see) already them.

2) When the figures (arrive), they (draft) already twice.

3) The office (be) very quiet when I (visit) it. Everybody (go) home.

4) The company (publish) some excellent results last year. Later, it (go) bust.

5) The company (report) an upturn in profits last month. Earlier in the year, it (announce) declining sales.

6) There (be) two major collapses last week. Both companies (try) to avoid bankruptcy.


Assignment 9. Complete the following sentences by putting in it, they, there with an appropriate part of the verb to be:

1) … important first to determine the level of detail on which the activities to complete the task will be based.

2) In the project we did last year … a clear need to develop an overall work.

3) When this activity has been completed, … time for the next activity to start.

4) … no other way that the network can be developed.

5) As I said before, … all the activities or stages necessary to complete the project.

6) … some important general guidelines to follow when drawing a network.

7) You need to decide … before next Monday if you want to work the early shift or the late shift.

8) If you had looked, you would have seen that … places on the chart for all the activities.


Assignment 10. Find the Gerund, the Participle and the Infinitive in the text and define their functions.




1. Explain why personal references on an application form are normally less significant than reports from former employers.

2. What is your opinion on the problem why the boss must be the boss and how he or she can retain authority and still have good relations with all employees of the firm.

3. “Good employees are a firm's greatest asset”. Do you support this statement? Express in writing what features would you include into your personnel policy.




Assignment 1. Learn the following terms:

be aware of one's rights and responsibilities business law insurance obligation be enforced by the court consideration competency subject matter remedy unqualified acceptance binding contract lease tenant tenancy short-term lease optional term lease term lease percentage percentage lease hold certain land against harm, damage or loss in return for the payment buy goods in large quantities factor of production material value deliver the goods show competence methods of market survey accept the tender report fraud prime duty respect client's confidentiality follow the code slight drop in orders low profit margin grow rapidly unstable market çíàòü ñâîè ïðàâà è îáÿçàííîñòè   òîðãîâîå ïðàâî, ïðàâî ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïðàâî, ðåãóëèðóþùåå îáëàñòü äåëîâûõ îòíîøåíèé ñòðàõîâàíèå îáÿçàòåëüñòâî ïðèâîäèòü â èñïîëíåíèå ñóäîì âîçìåùåíèå, êîìïåíñàöèÿ; ñóììà âîçíàãðàæäåíèÿ, óïëà÷èâàåìàÿ îäíîé ñòîðîíîé ñäåëêè äðóãîé (â îáìåí íà îáÿçàòåëüñòâî ÷òî-ëèáî ñäåëàòü) êîìïåòåíöèÿ, ïðàâîìî÷íîñòü ïðåäìåò ñðåäñòâî áåçîãîâîðî÷íûé àêöåïò; áåçóñëîâíàÿ ïðèåìëåìîñòü (íàïð. òîâàðà äëÿ ïîêóïàòåëÿ) êîíòðàêò, èìåþùèé îáÿçàòåëüíóþ ñèëó àðåíäà, äîãîâîð îá àðåíäå íàíèìàòåëü, àðåíäàòîð àðåíäà; âëàäåíèå íà ïðàâàõ àðåíäû êðàòêîñðî÷íàÿ àðåíäà àðåíäà ñ ïðàâîì âûáîðà ñðîêà àðåíäà íà ñðîê ïðîöåíòíîå ñîäåðæàíèå; êîìèññèîííîå âîçíàãðàæäåíèå â ïðîöåíòàõ; ïðîöåíòíîå îò÷èñëåíèå: ïðîöåíò, äîëÿ àðåíäà ñ ïðàâîì ïîëó÷åíèÿ ïðîöåíòà ïðèáûëè âëàäåòü îïðåäåëåííîé çåìëåé ïðîòèâ âðåäà, óùåðáà èëè ïîòåðè â âîçâðàò óïëà÷åííîé ñóììû ïîêóïàòü òîâàðû â áîëüøîì êîëè÷åñòâå ôàêòîð ïðîèçâîäñòâà ìàòåðèàëüíàÿ öåííîñòü äîñòàâëÿòü òîâàðû ïîêàçàòü êîìïåòåíòíîñòü ìåòîäû èçó÷åíèÿ ðûíêà ïðèíÿòü ïðåäëîæåíèå ñîîáùàòü î ìîøåííè÷åñòâå ïåðâîñòåïåííàÿ îáÿçàííîñòü óâàæàòü êîíôèäåíöèàëüíîñòü êëèåíòà ñëåäîâàòü êîäåêñó (íîðìàì, ïðèíöèïàì) íåáîëüøîå ïàäåíèå â çàêàçàõ íèçêèé ìàðæèíàëüíûé äîõîä áûñòðî ðàñòè íåñòàáèëüíûé ðûíîê


Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

law, legal concepts, company, to be aware of, caution, essential, insurance, course, obligation, court, characteristics, mutual, competency, to enforce, to honor, remedy, definite, serious, unqualified acceptance, true, mind, to bind, to prove, to accept, witness, value, particular, competent, oral, transfer, lease, age, to specify, to sign, practice, especially, successful, increase, to increase, desirable, option, optional, to classify, percentage.


Assignment 3. Read and translate the text:


Understanding business law takes many years. No one expects a small business owner to get a law degree or to have a complete understanding of legal concepts related to business ownership and operation. Because you will deal with numerous people, products and companies, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities. Common sense and caution are essential in business. A general understanding of business law and insurancego hand in hand with good business management.

Contracts. Agreements which a business owner makes in the course of carrying on a business may be called contracts. A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties in which each has rights and obligations. Contracts may be enforced by the courts if they meet certain requirements. A contract must have the following characteristics to be legal: mutual agreement, consideration, form, competency and legal subject matter.

Since contracts can be enforced by law, it is important that people understand them. When an individual fails to honor a contract, the other parties to the contract can legally require that the contract be fulfilled or a satisfactory remedy be provided.

For an agreement to be mutual, there must be a clear, definite, and serious offer and an unqualified acceptance. If there is to be mutual agreement, there is no need for a true meeting of the minds. This means that the parties involved need not to be thinking of the same thing. If a merchant offers to sell some goods for $55 and a customer accepts the offer, it does not really matter that the merchant intended to say $75. There is a binding contract at $55 if the party can prove the offer was made and accepted. This can be done by producing witnesses and documents. The subject matter of a contract must be stated in definite terms.

Parties to a contract must receive something of value and give something of value in return. This something of value is called consideration. The consideration may be cash, goods or a service, or it may even be a particular action.

A contract is made if there is an offer and acceptance, consideration, competent parties and legal subject matter. The contract may be written or oral. A contract for the sale or transfer of land or real property must be in writing. Contracts which take more than one year to perform usually must be in writing. This includes leases of more than one year.

A competent party is one who has legal capacity to enter into a contract. A person must be of legal age and sane in order to be considered competent.

The lease. Because of the greater capital required to own real property, most small business owners start out by renting or leasing business space. When an owner decides to rent, an agreement is made with the landlord specifying the amount of rent to be paid and other conditions. The conditions agreed upon, when put into written form and signed by both tenant and landlord, make up the lease.

A lease is a contract to rent land and/or buildings for a specified time for a consideration. A lease is usually written and states the tenant's rights and obligations. A written lease is common business practice.

The lease usually states the term of the tenancy in months or years. However, sometimes in unwritten agreements nothing is said about the length of time the property is to be rented to the tenant. This type of tenancy is known as tenancy at will. When the landlord wants the tenant to move, 30 days written notice must be given. The tenant, on the other hand, does not have to give the landlord any notice.

The length of the lease is an important consideration. You may not want a long lease, especially if your business is not successful. On the other hand, an owner does not want an increase in rent if the business does well. It may be desirable to have a short-term lease with the option of renewing at the same rent. This is known as an optional term lease.

Leases may be classified according to the matter in which rent is paid. The term lease is a popular type of lease. It states the amount of rent to be paid for a specified time: Other types give the landlord a percentage of business income instead of a rent. This is called a percentage lease. Sometimes the rental agreement is a combination of the term lease and the percentage lease. With this agreement, the landlord receives a fixed rent in addition to a percentage of business income.


Notes to the text:

1. to relate to – îòíîñèòüñÿ, èìåòü îòíîøåíèå

2. because – òàê êàê

3. to deal with – îáùàòüñÿ, èìåòü äåëî ñ

4. common sense – çäðàâûé ñìûñë

5. hand in hand – ðóêà îá ðóêó

6. in the course of – â õîäå, â òå÷åíèå

7. to carry on – âåñòè (äåëî, áèçíåñ)

8. to meet certain requirements – îòâå÷àòü îïðåäåëåííûì òðåáîâàíèÿì

9. to fail – ïîòåðïåòü íåóäà÷ó; íå óäàâàòüñÿ

10. mind – óì; ìíåíèå, ìûñëü, âçãëÿä

11. to accept the offer – ïðèíÿòü ïðåäëîæåíèå

12. it doesn't matter – ýòî íå èìååò çíà÷åíèÿ

13. in return – â îáìåí; â îòâåò; â âîçâðàò

14. in writing – â ïèñüìåííîé ôîðìå

15. in order to – ÷òîáû

16. because of – èç-çà, âñëåäñòâèå

17. to start out – íà÷èíàòü

18. in written form – â ïèñüìåííîé ôîðìå

19. both … and – êàê …, òàê è …

20. to make up – ñîñòàâëÿòü

21. length – ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü

22. at will – ïî æåëàíèþ

23. on the other hand – ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû

24. to give notice – èçâåùàòü, óâåäîìëÿòü

25. to do well – ïðîöâåòàòü, ïðåóñïåâàòü

26. according to – ñîãëàñíî, â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ

27. in addition to – êðîìå


Assignment 4. Answer the following questions:

1) What legal agreements are known to you?

2) What characteristics must a contract have to be legal?

3) What is consideration?

4) What is the procedure to conclude a contract?

5) When is the lease made up?

6) What types of lease are described in the text? Say some words about each of them.


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