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III. Say whether the statements are true or false; correct the false ones.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 596.

I. Guess the meaning of these words and divide them into four groups according their parts of speech.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises


Group, conceptions, culture, declare, classify, moral, arrestable, idea, legally, ethical, standards, history, social, traditional, criminal, act, classification, specific, license, universally, arrest.


II. Match the English words and word-combinations given below with their Russian equivalents.

1) благополучие общества 2) совершать преступление 3) штраф 4) деяние, преступное по своему характеру 5) тюремное заключение 6) наказывать 7) запрещенный по закону 8) мир и безопасность 9) тяжесть (преступления) 10) приговор краткосрочного тюремного заключения 11) в соответствии 12) деяние, преступное в силу запрещения законом a) peace and security b) seriousness c) imprisonment d) be forbidden by law e) well-being of society f) be punishable by g) according to h) malum in se i) jail sentence j) malum prohibitum k) fine l) commit a criminal act

1. Crime is found in most societies, but among a limited number of social groups.

2. The most likely age of criminals is over 25.

3. All societies have the same rules and the same laws about what is right and wrong.

4. The conceptions of crime vary in different countries of the world.

5. Some crimes have been punished throughout history because they have always been thought to be against the moral and ethical standards of society.

6. “Traditional” crimes are acts that are bad because the law says they are.

7. In Great Britain and the USA the crimes are classified in the same way.

8. Felonies are usually punishable by a small fixed penalty fine, a short jail sentence or some hours of community service.

9. The most serious punishment is the death penalty.

10. In Europe and North America minor offences are classed as misdemeanors.

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