V or NV
| Name of crime
| Definition of crime
| assault
| a generic term for the killing of another person
| drug dealing
| any instance in which one party deceives or takes unfair advantage of another
| money laundering
| attempt to use illegal force on another person
| battery
| attempt to use illegal force on another person in the absence of consent to sexual relations
| homicide
| attempt to transform illegally acquired money into apparently legitimate money
| manslaughter
| driving a vehicle in excess of the permitted limit
| fraud
| leaving one's vehicle in an area or for a duration in contravention of the law
| murder
| possession of and/or trading in illegal substances
| armed robbery
| taking the property of another without right or permission
| sexual assault
| the actual use of illegal force on another person
| burglary
| the crime of breaking into a private home with the intention of committing a felony
| theft
| the unlawful killing of a person with intent
| parking
| the unlawful killing of a person without malicious intent and therefore without premeditation
| speeding
| the unlawful taking of another's property using a dangerous weapon