1) alter (v.)
| ['ɔːltə]
| a) a poisonous gas that is produced especially by the engines of vehicles
2) belligerent (adj.)
| [bɪ'lɪʤər(ə)nt]
| b) breath out
3) inhalation (n.)
| [ˌɪnhə'leɪʃ(ə)n]
| c) stop or discontinue (an action or activity)
4) carbon monoxide (n.)
| ['kɑːbənmɔ'nɔksaɪd]
| d) change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way
5) susceptible (adj.)
| [sə'septəbl]
| e) feel a powerful desire for (something)
6) ambient (adj.)
| ['æmbɪənt]
| f) a cavity within a bone or other tissue, especially one in the bones of the face or skull connecting with the nasal cavities
7) spouse (n.)
| [spauz]
| g) the process or act of breathing in, taking air and sometimes other substances into your lungs.
8) exhale (v.)
| [eks'heɪl]
| h) relating to the immediate environs of something
9) sinus (n.)
| ['saɪnəs]
| i) a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner
10) quit (v.)
| [kwɪt]
| j) likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing
11) crave(v.)
| [kreɪv]
| k) hostile and aggressive