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Read the article carefully and answer these questions according to the information in the text.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 415.

1) How does smoking affect health?

2) What are some diseases and disorders associated with smoking?

3) How long do you need to smoke before it becomes dangerous?

4) Is smoking really that harmful if you don't smoke steadily?

5) Do filters reduce the dangers of cigarette smoking?

6) Does smoking really help a person to relieve a stress?

7) What effects of second hand smoke are non-smokers exposed to?

8) Is it difficult to quit smoking?

9) If smoking is so dangerous, then why is it legal?


2. Retell the text using this plan:

1) The effects of smoking.

2) A couple of smoking facts.

3) A sobering experiment.

4) Addictive power of smoking.

5) Effects of secondhand smoke.

6) Are your pets safe from the effects of smoke?

7) Effects of smoking on your home and eventually your wallet.

8) Tips to minimize the effects of smoking.



ǃLook at the sentence from the text.While the popularity is on a decline, it's still estimated that 35% of men and 22% of women worldwide still smoke. To balance two facts or ides that contrast, but do not contradict each other we use while. (for more information look at Unit 3/Text B/ Language development/Discourse markers).

While is a polysemantic conjunction. We translate it into Russian as в то время как, пока; хотя, тогда как, несмотря на то что; и, а, e.g. While the negotiations on ecology aspects have been protracted, there is no evidence that deadlock has been reached.—Хотя переговоры затянулась, нет основания считать, что они зашли в тупик.

While +Participle is usually not translated, e.g. He had health problems whilesmoking so many cigarettes.—Выкуривая много сигарет у него были проблемы со здоровьем.

ǃ Look at the following sentence from the article. If you or a family member insists on smoking indoors, set up a closed room as a “smoking room”.

This is the example of a conditional clause (if + subject + present simple, + bare infinitive); (Imperative + if + present simple), the 1st type of adverbial clause (real present). The event described in the main clause (set up) depends on the condition described in the conditional clause (if… insists). You can either use other conjunctions: unless (if not), provided/ing that, so long as, as long as, on condition that.

Remember the following structures of the 1st type:

If + any present form (Present Simple, Present Progressive. or Present Perfect), Future/Imperative/modals (can/ may/ might/ must/ should + bare Infinitive)/ Present Simple.

1. Find and underline other examples of 1st Conditional in the text.

ǃTo talk about imaginary situation or action (unreal present), we use the 2nd Conditional. Often there is an If-clause with the Simple Past Tensein the same sentence (If + subject + Past Simple/Past Progressive + object, subject + would/could/might + bare Infinitive).

1. Look at this sentence from the article and highlight the 2nd Conditional:

If there were two smokers in the house the risk increased four times.

ǃTo talk about imaginary situation contrary to facts in the past or to express regrets and criticism (unreal past), we use the 3nd Conditional.

Remember the following structures of the 3rd type:

(If + subject + Past Perfect/Past Perfect Progressive + object, subject + would/could/might + have + Participle II/V3).

2. Find and underline other examples of 3rd Conditional in the text.

3. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) twice the chances of living a)
2) sinus infection b)
3) habit-forming substances c)
4) temporary euphoric sensation d)
5) try to delude yourself e)
6) physical dependence f)
7) inhale the smoke g)
8) toughest addictions h)
9) downright dangerous i)
10) be belligerent of such a rule j)

4. Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) изменять химический состав мозга a)
2) восприимчивый к болезням b)
3) высокий риск c)
4) агрессивно настроенный d)
5) побороть тягу к сигаретам e)
6) вдыхать табачный дым f)
7) выдыхаемый и обволакивающий вас дым g)
8) угроза здоровью h)
9) постоянный недостаток кислорода i)
10) некурящие супруги, которые подвергаются воздействию табачного дыма j)

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