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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 511.


1. Match the words with their definitions:


1) overlooked (V3) [ˌəuvə'lukt] a)embryonic
2) hangover (n.) ['hæŋˌəuvə] b)a disease which destroys a person's liver and which can kill them
3) contemporaries (n.) [kən'temp(ə)r(ə)rɪs]   c)inflammation of the pancreas
4) full of yourself (inf) [fuləvjəself] d) to hit sb. many times, using fists or a heavy object
5) inhibition (n.) [ˌɪnhɪ'bɪʃ(ə)n] e)fail to function normally or satisfactorily
6) blurred vision [blɜːd 'vɪʒ(ə)n] f)the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug
7) remorse (n.) [rɪ'mɔːs] g)people of the same age
8) hallucination (n.) [həˌluːsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] h)(make or become unclear or less distinct
9) batter (v.) ['bætə] i)very self-confident
10)fetal (adj.) ['fiːt(ə)l] j)missed, not noticed
11) pancreatitis (n.) [ˌpæŋkrɪə'taɪtɪs] k)a strong feeling of sadness and regret about something wrong that you have done
12) malfunction (n.) [ˌmæl'fʌŋkʃ(ə)n] l)feelings of fear or embarrassment that make it difficult for you to behave naturally
13)cirrhosis (n.) [sɪ'rəusɪs] m)headache and tiredness a few hours after drinking too much


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