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Read the article carefully and answer these questions according to the information in the text.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 375.

Read the article again. Write T (true), F (false) or ? (don't know) in the boxes next to these statements.

a) Drug problem has recently arisen.
b) People use drugs for medicinal purposes.
c) Narcotics are sold through illegal markets.
d) Amphetamine is the most dependence producing drug.
e) Drugs are used in the form of smoking, sniffing or by injection.
f) The reasons are always the same in all parts of the world.
g) Church mustn't deal with the drug-taking.  

1) What do you think is meant by the term drugs?

2) What are some things you think you and others ought to know about drugs?

3) Why do people take drugs if they aren't sick?

4) Why combining of alcohol and drugs is very dangerous?

5) What could be the consequences of drug abuse?

6) Why can we call coffee, tea, cola drugs too?

7) Why may people sometimes use drugs in unsupervised, disapproved ways?

8) How does a person get addicted to a drug?


ǃTo talk about a period of past time which is related to the present, we use the Present Perfect Tense (have/has + Participle II). This is very useful when discussing changes in the environment.

1. Look at this sentence from the article and underline the Present Perfect Tense:

Throughout the history of mankind, nearly all countries and cultures have had problems with the use and abuse of drugs.

ǃTo talk about events in the past which are now finished and there is no connection to the present, we use the Simple Past Tense (regular verb + edorthe second form of the irregular verb).

2. Look at these sentences from the article and underline the Simple Past Tense:

In the last century, Sir William Osler described this situation so well when he said, "The desire to take medicine is, perhaps, the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals".

3. Find and underline other examples in the text.

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PROBLEMS WITH DRUGS | Find and highlight the other examples in the text. Translate the sentences.
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