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Find and highlight the other examples in the text. Translate the sentences.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 417.

Fill in the gaps with the proper Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.

1) Thanks to medical and drug research, there are thousands of drugs that help people, e.g. antibiotics and vaccines ___________________ (revolutionize) the treatment of infections.

2) Mixing of some drugs might be be fatal mistake, e.g. people _______________ (die) after mixing alcohol with sleeping pills.

3) Dr. Sidney Cohen, a drug abuse expert, ________________ (describe) alcohol as "the most dangerous drug on earth".

4) Heavy drinkers tend to starve - they _______________ (use up) their nutrient stores and are often drawing on their own tissues for fuel.

5) Researchers _________________ (survey) 1,339 oncology nurses in one state who work in outpatient chemotherapy infusion centers and __________________ (find) that nearly 17 percent __________ (say) their skin or eyes had been exposed to the drugs.

ǃIt is difficult to translate Subjunctive Mood into Russian, just follow some rules.

Indefinite Subjunctive (should/would + Infinitive) in subordinate clause (it) is recommended / suggested that…, after verbs to recommend, to suggest, to demand, we translate as (бы + глагол в прошедшем времени)e.g. It was necessary that the child's history should be known to none.—Надо было, чтобы историю этого ребенка никто не узнал.

6. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) increasingly exploited a)
2) a wide range of sedatives and tranquillizers b)
3) dependence-producing drug c)
4) a household remedy d)
5) abuse of drugs e)
6) crime, violence and neglect of family life f)
7) to be rapidly spreading g)
8) ceremonial rites h)
9) Lacking rural health services i)
10) damaging menaces of life j)

7. Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) на государственном уровне a)
2) натуральные и синтетические наркотики b)
3) предупредительные меры c)
4) в пределах каждой культуры d)
5) преодоление боли e)
6) токсичны по своим свойствам f)
7) запрещенный наркотик g)
8) уменьшая воспаление h)
9) развитие болезнетворных микроорганизмов i)
10) подавлять иммунную систему j)


1. Has this article changed your attitude to drugs?

2. Why is there so much concern about teen-age drugs?

3. ‘Addictive' means ‘very difficult to give up'. Do you think nicotine (in cigarettes) is addictive? Why is tobacco legal, when most of the other drugs on the chart are illegal? Would it be a good idea to make tobacco illegal?

4. Some people say that it would be better to legalise all drugs. In that case, you could buy cannabis and other drugs from shops. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of such a chanhe?

5. Prepare a presentation on the topic being discussed.

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Read the article carefully and answer these questions according to the information in the text. | Ex. 1 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations using information on pp. 26, 27 and the track 1.12 p. 171 (CB)
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