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Part 2. Climatic Zones

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 374.

Unit 3. Climate

Exercise 1. Describe a climate region according to the following plan (using a climate map)

1. … occupies …

2. The sun's rays are …

3. The average temperature in summer is … degrees Celsius (above/below zero)

4. The average temperature in winter is … degrees Celsius (above/below zero)

5. The level of precipitation is … mm. a year.

6. The prevailing winds are blowing from … to … in summer and from … to …in winter.

7. The growing period lasts …

8. The common plants of the region are …

9. … are the animals which adapted to these climatic conditions.

10. Some parts of this climate zone are affected by … - the ocean current/ the nearness to the sea/ the prevailing winds/ the altitude.


Climate Zones Map of the World

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Ex. 1 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations using information on pp. 26, 27 and the track 1.12 p. 171 (CB) | Torrid Climate Zones
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