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Torrid Climate Zones

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 409.

Equatorial Climate Zone

- Gentle, unstable winds. Hot and humid. Seasonal fluctuation of temperature and rainfall are very small


Sub-equatorial Climate Zones

- Equatorial air masses are moving in summer and tropical air masses are moving in winter. Winter is a little bit colder than summer it is distinguished by dryness. Tropical cyclones are possible above the oceans

- Trade winds are predominated. These regions are characterized by the seasonal changes of temperature especially on the continents.

Regions of torrid climate: 3-A – arid, 3-Á – humid


Sub-torrid Climate Zones

- Torrid air masses are moving in summer and temperate air masses are moving in winter. These regions are characterized by the great seasonal changes of temperature and rainfall.

Regions of sub-torrid climate: 4-A – continental, 4-Á – Mediterranean, 4-B – monsoon, 4-Ã – with equal distribution of humidity


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