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A Journey into the World of Language Learning

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 797.

Ex. 2. Read the text and choose the best statement for the main idea.

1. Starting a journey into the world of language learning involves plunging into a new language. English learning implies to get into a diversity of new activities, it is adapting of an ear to unfamiliar sounds, foreign pronunciation and mastering of huge amounts of new vocabulary. One who learns English will confront with a great variety of grammar rules and exceptions, difficult to imitate pronunciation, a problem of understanding the theory of grammar, training and polishing of acquired theory in practice. In a word, English learning is a complicated and multistage process, which requires much efforts, long periods of time, inexhaustible patience

and perseverance.

2. Mastering a foreign language depends a lot on a person's learning style. One student sits rigidly at attention and wants to repeat each word after the teacher. Another may only feel happy with the security of a workbook to be worked through carefully, while a third may have no study skills at all and find it extremely difficult to maintain concentration. A fourth may learn everything by rote, yet have no understanding of meaning.

3. A common difficulty which awaits every English language learner is applying of four different types of activities: listening, speaking, writing and reading into the patterns of a new language practically simultaneously.

4. A person who wants to master English should forget about short-cuts to success, making a vain possibility to cram this language into his/her brain in several months. English learning is a laborious process. Extremely hard work stands behind its mastering and results which a learner gets in learning English is a direct payback of his diligence and work.

5. Undoubtedly, a way to perfect English mastery is rather complicated, a learner can confront with an abundance of challenges. The main thing is not to give in, soothing yourself with the idea that you are not a language learning type. Every person can master a foreign language up to his/her specific standard and attain his definite results in language learning.

1) A person who wants to know English well should forget about short-cuts to success.

2) Mastering a foreign language depends on a person's learning style.

3) Mastering English is a laborious process which requires much effort, patience and perseverance.

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