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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 346.

Fear and fascination.

Fear of becoming a victim of crime has increased, and people are particularly afraid of being burgled. Some people, especially women and old people, are scared to go out alone in the evening for fear of rape or mugging. In some areas, parents do not allow their children to walk to school alone in case they are attacked or abducted. Many people now hesitate to go and help someone being attacked in case they are attacked themselves, but those who do go to help someone being attacked in case they are attacked themselves, but those who do go to help are seen as heroes.

Despite this fear, many people enjoy stories about real and imagined crimes, especially murder. One of the most popular programmes on British television is Crime-watch, which asks the public for their help in solving real crimes. Other favourite television programmes include films of the Inspector Morse stories and novels by Agatha Christie. From time to time there is anxiety about the amount of violence shown on television and fear that it influences people's behaviour in real life.

Digest, 2005, № 4.



crime [kraım] злочин
solve [sɔlv] розкривати (злочин)
commit a crime [kǝ′mıt] здійснити злочин
inner city [′ınǝ ′sıtı] центр міста
urban [ǝ:b(ǝ)n] міський
victim [′vıctım] жертва
burglary [′bǝ:ɡlǝrı] нічна крадіж зі зломом
theft [θeft] крадіжка
relatively [′relǝtıvlı] відносно
damage [′dæmıdʒ] пошкодження,
offence [ɔ′fens] правопорушення
violent [′vaıǝl(ǝ)nt] насильний
assault [ǝ′sɔ:lt] напад
rape [reıp] згвалтування
robbery [′rɔb(ǝ)rı] грабіж
mugging [′mʌɡıŋ] грабіж на вулиці
significantly [sıɡ′nıfikǝntlı] значно
sexual abuse [′sek∫uǝl ǝ′bju:s] сексуальне насильство (згвалтування)
concern [kǝn′s3:n] занепокоєння
ban [bæn] забороняти
restriction [rı′strık∫(ǝ)n] обмеження
manufacture [,mænju′fækt∫(ǝ)] виготовлення
sharp-bladed [∫ɑ:p ,bleıdıd] з гострим лезом
larceny [′lɑ:s(ǝ)nı] крадіжка
unharmed [ʌn′hɑ:md] непошкодженний
neighbourhood [′neıbǝhud] сусідство, сусіди
Neighbourhood Watch [′neıbǝhud wɔt∫]     система, за якою сусіди доглядають домівки одне одного
scheme [skı:m] програма
be on the beat [bı:t] обходити дозором
community [kǝ′mju:nǝtı] суспільство, мікрорайон
offender [ǝ′fendǝ] правопорушник
petty [′petı] незначний, дрібний
arson [′ɑ:s(ǝ)n] підпал
drug-dealing [drʌɡ ′dı:lıŋ] торгівля наркотиками
closed-circuit television [′klǝuzd,s ǝ: kıt] замкнена телевізійна система
deter [dı′tǝ:] стримувати
ram-raiding [ræm reıdıŋ] грабіж з використанням автотарану
innocent [′ınǝsǝnt] невинний
threat [θret] погроза, загроза
harsh [hɑ:∫] суворий
capital punishment [′pʌnı∫mǝnt] найвища міра покарання
fascination [,fæsı′neı∫(ǝ)n] захоплення
burgle [′bǝɡl] коїти крадіж зі зломом
be scared [skɛǝd] боятися
abduct [ǝb′dʌkt] викрадати (насильно)


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