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Decide whether the following statements are true or false.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 426. III. Comprehension check. 1. Find in the text the Ukrainian for: to report the crimes to the police; to solve the crime; car theft; criminal damage; loss or damage to property; violent crimes; to be widely reported by the media; to increase significantly; to arouse public anger and concern; to own (use) guns; carjacking; neighborhood watch schemes; to report anything suspicious happening somewhere; policeman on the beat; to prevent trouble; to be responsible for petty crimes; to deter violence and prevent crimes; call for harsher penalties and return of capital punishment; from time to time; anxiety about the amount of violence shown on TV.
2. Find in the text the English for: здійснити злочин; жертви злочину; нічна крадіж зі зломом; відносно (найбільш) поширений; правопорушення; правопорушник; убивство та різні види нападів; грабіж на вулиці; зґвалтування; обмеження на виготовлення чогось; бути жертвою насильних злочинів; поліцейський мікрорайону; крадіжка в крамниці; підпал; замкнена телевізійна система; установлювати відеокамеру; боятися чогось; найвища міра покарання; викрадати насильно.
1.Crime has decreased in Britain since the early 1950s. 2.More often people living in inner city and urban areas become the victims of crime. 3.The commonest crimes in Britain now are burglary, theft, rape cases, robbery and mugging. 4.The USA has a reputation for having a lot of violent crimes. 5.Many people think that increase in crime is linked to the alcohol abuse. 6.A new crime that began in US in the 1980s is carjacking. 7.Some measures have been undertaken to prevent crime in Great Britain: Neighborhood watch schemes, policemen's walking round an area and visiting schools to talk to children, installing closed-circuit television. 8.Fear of becoming a victim of crime has increased. 9.When someone is attacked many people don't hesitate to go and help him or her. 10. An insufficient quantity of people enjoy stories about real and imagined crimes, especially murder. 11. The amount of violence shown on TV arouses public anxiety and concern about its influence on people's behaviour in real life.