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Part 2. Nature Sang in Painting

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 389.

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


painter ['peintə] – õóäîæíèê, æèâîïèñåö

scenery ['sinəri] – îáñòàíîâêà, îêðóæåíèå, ïåéçàæ

to reveal [tə ri'vi:l] – ïîêàçûâàòü, îòêðûâàòü

countryside ['këntrisaid] – ñåëüñêàÿ ìåñòíîñòü

poetry ['pəuitri] – ïîýçèÿ

daily life ['deili laif] – ïîâñåäíåâíàÿ æèçíü

to reflect [tə riflekt] – îòðàæàòü

mood [mu:d] – íàñòðîåíèå

to depict [tə di'pikt] – ðèñîâàòü, èçîáðàæàòü

to transfer [tə træns'fə:] – ïåðåíîñèòü, ïåðåìåùàòü

feeling ['fi:liŋ] – ÷óâñòâî

canvas ['kænvəs] – õîëñò, ïîëîòíî

to introduce [tə ‚intrə'dju:s] – ââîäèòü, ïîìåùàòü

remote [ri'məut] – îòäàë¸ííûé, äàëüíèé

indifferent [in'difər(ə)nt] – ðàâíîäóøíûé

path [pa:θ] – òðîïèíêà

loneliness ['ləunlinis] – îäèíî÷åñòâî

to influence [tə 'influəns] – îêàçûâàòü âëèÿíèå

picturesque [‚pikt∫ə'resk] – æèâîïèñíûé

subtle ['sʌtl] – íåæíûé; óòîí÷¸ííûé, èçûñêàííûé

residence ['rezidəns] – ïðîæèâàíèå, ìåñòîæèòåëüñòâî

tenderness ['tendənis] – íåæíîñòü

to re-estimate [tə ri:'estimeit] – ïåðåîöåíèòü

gratitude ['grætitju:d] – áëàãîäàðíîñòü, ïðèçíàòåëüíîñòü

at last [ət la:st] – íàêîíåö-òî

although [ɔ:l'ðəu] – õîòÿ

radiant blue ['reidiənt blu:] – ëó÷åçàðíî ñèíèé

to float [tə fləut] – ïëûòü

the author of the canvas [ði 'ɔ:θə əv ðə 'kænvəs] – àâòîð ýòîãî ïîëîòíà

the awakening of nature [ði ə'weikəniŋ əv 'neit∫ə] – ïðîáóæäåíèå ïðèðîäû

clean and limpid [kli:n ənd 'limpid] – ÷èñòûé è ïðîçðà÷íûé


the azure expanse of the sky [ði 'æჳə iks'pæns əv ðə skai] – ëàçóðíîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî íåáà

the smooth body of the river [ðə smu:ð 'bɔdi əv ðə 'rivə] – çåðêàëüíàÿ ãëàäü ðåêè

the thin trunks of the birch-trees [ðə θin trëŋks əv ðə 'bə:t∫tri:z] – òîíåíüêèå ñòâîëû áåð¸çîê

in the distance [in ðə 'dist(ə)ns] – âäàëåêå

to be penetrated with something [tə bi: 'penitreitid wið 'sëmθiŋ] – áûòü ïðîíèçàííûì ÷åì-ëèáî

the birds' babbling [ðə bə:dz'bæbliŋ] – ùåáåòàíèå ïòèö

the lapping [ðə 'læpiŋ] – ïëåñê

widely flooded ['waidli 'flëdid] – øèðîêî ðàçëèâøèéñÿ

to cover with [tə 'këvə wið] – ïîêðûâàòü

the green foliage [ðə gri:n 'fəuliidჳ] – çåë¸íàÿ ëèñòâà

to be full with the forest sounds [tə bi: ful wið ðə 'fɔrist saundz] – áûòü íàïîëíåííûì çâóêàìè ëåñà

to give somebody the opportunity [tə giv 'sëmbɔdi ðə ‚ɔpə'tju:niti] – äàâàòü êîìó-ëèáî âîçìîæíîñòü

Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:


1. painter a. a track for walking

2. scenery b. an emotional state or reaction

3. poetry c. a person who draws pictures, an artist

4. mood d. a state of being alone

5. feeling e. an art of writing poems

6. canvas f. a home or a house

7. path g. a temporary state of mind behavior

8. loneliness h. a landscape

9. residence i. a feeling of being thankful

10. gratitude j. a heavy coarse cloth used for painting


Exercise 2. Discuss vocabulary of the previous exercise using the following models:

Model 1:

  1. – Andrew, explain me the meaning of the word scenery, please?

B. – Oh, it is so simple. It means a landscape.

A.– Oh, does it? That's really simple. Thank you.

B. – Glad to help you.

Model 2:

  1. – Andrew, tell me please what does the word residence mean?

B. – Sorry will you repeat it again? Which word?

  1. – Perhaps, I've made a mistake in my pronunciation. I've said residence.
  2. – Ah,residence. No, you haven't made a mistake. This is my fault. I haven't listened to you attentively. Sorry. It means a home or a house.

A. – OK, now I understand it. I'm very much obliged to you, Andrew.

B. – No, problem. Ask any time you need.


Exercise 3. Listen to the text “Isak Ilych Levitan” twiceand decide true or false are the following statements:


  1. Isak Ilych Levitan was the Great Russian portrait painter.
  2. He painted Russian scenery revealing all its beauty.
  3. He deeply felt what he wanted to depict.
  4. He was a master of painting people's figures.
  5. A woman's figure in the picture “The Autumn Day in Sokolniki” looks very lonely.
  6. “The Autumn Day in Sokolniki” wasn't painted by Levitan.
  7. Levitan hadn't ever been on the Volga.
  8. His canvases are full of sentimentality.
  9. He painted many of his landscapes abroad.
  10. His paintings of the Russian countryside have won the love and gratitude of people.

Exercise 4. According to the Russian version of the Levitan's picture description copy the version in English in the proper order and read it perfectly paying attention to new vocabulary:

“The Spring. Big Water.”

Íàêîíåö-òî ïðèøëà âåñíà. Âñ¸ åù¸ õîëîäíî, õîòÿ è íåáî óæå ëó÷åçàðíî ñèíåå è áåëîñíåæíûå îáëàêà ïëûâóò âûñîêî äâèæèìûå ë¸ãêèì ñâåæèì âåòðîì. Àâòîð ýòîãî ïîëîòíà èçîáðàçèë óäèâèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ â ãîäó – ïðîáóæäåíèå ïðèðîäû. Âîçäóõ ÷èñò è ïðîçðà÷åí. Âñ¸: ëàçóðíîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî íåáà, çåðêàëüíàÿ ãëàäü ðåêè, òîíåíüêèå ñòâîëû áåð¸çîê è äåðåâåíñêèå äîìèêè âäàëåêå ïðîíèçàíû ëó÷àìè âåñåííåãî ñîëíöà. Ñëûøíî ùåáåòàíèå ïòèö è ïëåñê øèðîêî ðàçëèâøåéñÿ ðåêè. Î÷åíü ñêîðî ãîëûå âåòâè äåðåâüåâ ïîêðîþòñÿ çåë¸íîé ëèñòâîé, è äðóãèìè çâóêàìè íàïîëíèòñÿ ëåñ. Íî çåë¸íàÿ âåñíà, íàïîëíåííàÿ ëåñíûìè çâóêàìè, ëþáèìà âñåìè. À Ëåâèòàí äàë íàì âîçìîæíîñòü óâèäåòü êàê êðàñèâ ñåðûé ïåéçàæ â ïðåêðàñíûé àïðåëüñêèé äåíü.

I.I. Levitan's Picture “The Spring. Big Water.”

1. be covered with the green foliage and some

2. At last the spring came.

3. high moved lightly by a breath of fresh air.

4. the smooth body of the river, the thin trunks

5. time of a year – the awakening of nature.

6. in the fine April day.

7. Everything: the azure expanse of the sky,

8. of the birch-trees and the village houses

9. The author of the canvas depicted a wonderful

10. the spring sun's rays.

11. And Levitan gave us opportunity to see

12. You can hear the birds' babbling and the

13. and the snow-white clouds are floating very

14. lapping of widely flooded river.

15. The air is clean and limpid.

16. how beautiful this grayish landscape is

17. Very soon the bare branches of the trees will

18. other sounds could be heard in the wood.

19. It is still cold although the sky is radiant blue

20. But the green spring which is full with the

21. in the distance are penetrated with

22. forest sounds is loved by everybody.

Exercise 5. Copy the English version of the text and then read it paying attention to the new vocabulary (See Student's Individual Task: Unit 5., Part 2., Ex.1.)

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Text 4. Îòðûâîê èç ðàññêàçà Ã. Ñêðåáèòñêîãî «Èþëü» | Time of a day
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