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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 521.


Using gerund with possessive case. Gerund forms.



….n's I-ing

….his I-ing


This planet's appearing in the sky in the day time was well known even in the 14th century.



Active Voice Passive Voice
asking Being asked
Having asked Having been asked


EX. 1 Find the gerund constructions in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.


1.The students' knowing mathematics well helped them in studying the theory of machines and mechanisms. 2.Two metals' melting together may result in forming an alloy. 3.Comrade Petrov's obtaining the first prize for his scientific report at the conference was a remarkable achievement not only for his group but for the department as well. 4.Their using the new programme for the computer has improved the results of the last series of the tests. 5.His coming there was unexpected. 6.Metals' being good conductors of heat provides a very wide use of them in heating systems for various practical purposes. 7.Metals being good conductors of heat, they are widely used in heating systems for various practical purposes.


Ex. 2 Speak about functions of ing-forms in the following sentences. Translate the sentences


1.Astronomers have learned about the Galileo's comet being nearest to the Earth in 1986. 2.The expedition starting on the 20th of March, the equipment should be repaired, checked and prepared by the beginning of the month. 3.Comrade Petrov informed director of his leaving for Kiev in two days. 4.Elaborating a new modern line operated with modern computing machines will increase the productivity of the shop.


Ex.3 Speak about functions of ing-forms in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.


1.Their having experimented with these substances revealed new important properties of the compounds. 2.Planet's orbiting the Sun in an elliptical path was stated by Kepler's first law. 3.After their having graduated from the Institute, our former students work in different parts of our country. 4.We know of Polzunov's having constructed the first workable steam engine. 5.The thermometer having been invented by Galileo, the experimenters could being their study of heat. 6.The metals having been heated till melting condition resulted in obtaining an alloy. 7.According to Newton's second law, the motion of a body is changed as a result of its being acted by a force.



Ex.4 . Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns or nous in the possessive case where necessary.


1. I'm tired of…..telling everybody my story. 2. I'm tired of…..telling me the same story a hundred times. 3.We'll be looking forward to … joining you.


B) A Telephone Talk

Mary. You remember ......... promising to lend me your big dictionary, don't you?

Ann. Yes, I do. Come round and get it. I'll be looking forward to ........ seeing you.

Mary. Oh, thank you. I'll be at your place in half an hour.



(H) Ex. 5. Complete the sentences, using active and passive Gerunds,


1. He looked forward to пригласить быть приглашенным
2. She prefers рассказывать новости когда ей рассказывают новости
3. Do you remember винить кого-л. за эту ошибку? что вас винили за эту ошибку?
4. I don't mind поехать в командировку если меня пошлют в командировку если его пошлют в командировку послать письмо немедленно чтобы письмо было послано немедленно
5. It depends on просмотрит ли он документы вовремя будут ли документы про­смотрены вовремя
6. He objected to делать работу наспех чтобы она делала работу наспех чтобы работа была сделана небрежно чтобы собрание было отме­нено чтобы это здание было сне­сено  



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