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A Sample Letter

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 997.

Useful Key Phrases

Adjusting a Claim

A Sample Letter

Drivers Co.

3489 Greene Ave.

Olympia, WA 98502


August 17, 2001


Richard Brown, President

Document Makers

Salem, MA 34588


Dear Mr. Brown:


As someone who has worked with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest Drivers Co. publicity campaign.


As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with fancy explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets. I think you will agree that a communication problem exists.


We would like you to send out a photographer to provide us with the promised color coverage, or provide us with a refund.

Yours truly,


Thomas R. Smith,



Even the best business may make a mistake from time to time. In this case, you may be called upon to adjust a claim. This type of business letter provides an example to send to unsatisfied customers making sure that you address their specific concerns, as well as retain them as future customers.

· I was very disappointed to read your letter of ... dealing with ...

· As someone who values your business, I have already ...

· Also, we will deduct another X percent of the bill for the misunderstanding.

· Thank you for your patience.


Document Makers

2398 Red Street

Salem, MA 34588


March 10, 2001



Thomas R. Smith

Drivers Co.

3489 Greene Ave.

Olympia, WA 98502


Dear Mr. Smith:


I was very disappointed to read your letter of August 17 dealing with the issue of incorrectly produced publicity leaflets. As someone who values your business, I have already begun to find a solution to resolve this problem.


My top photographer will call you to arrange an appointment at your earliest possible convenience to re-take photos in full color. Also, we will deduct another 15 percent of the bill for the misunderstanding. Thank you for your patience.




(signature here)

Richard Brown




1. Read the following ads from Executives Courses Classified section of Newsweek. Write a request letter for additional information.

Robert Kennedy University. Now you can apply to our university for the distance learning qualified program. You can obtain one of the following degrees: · Bachelor in Business Administration. · Bachelor of Science of Law. · Master of Business Administration. · Master of Law   ROBERT KENNEDY UNIVERSITY Leutschernbachenstrassr 95 8050 Zurich, Switzerland    
International Hotel Career Center DCT LUZERN SWITZERLAND Study hotel management in Switzerland · Diploma/Degree Courses · MBA Foundation course · Culinary arts program · Paid industry training · Intakes: Jan., Apr., Jul., Oct.   DCT Admission Office P.O. Box 1086 Winterthur, Switzerland.  


2. Read the following situation and write a claim letter to correct them.

As a student you are fond of biking, you think it is economical and nonpolluting. Last month when you bought new tires for your bike you spent a bit extra for “green” tires. The new tires, manufactured by Green Tyre, are made from special environment friendly materials and promoted as never going flat. The $79 price per pair was within your budget. So you ordered them sight unseen by phone. The Shammon Group, which produces the Green Tyre, gave you a $10 rebate for your worn tires and tubes.

However, you've used them for nearly a week and are extremely dissatisfied with their performance. While on flat, straight surface they handle about the same as standard tires; on sharp cornering they make you feel rather insecure. You'd like to return them and get your money back (minus the $10 rebate). Write a letter that accomplishes your purpose while maintaining goodwill.


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