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Manuscript Requirements for a Memo

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 423.

1. Start your memo 2 inches from the top of the paper. Word processing programs generally have a default one-inch top margin. You will need to press the <enter> key six times to move down another inch.

2. Type in the title ‘Memo' or ‘Memorandum' in a large font (30 or higher), and perhaps bold, either centre- or left-justified, followed by three blank lines. (Press <enter> four times.)


Follow the directions below to create the heading. This section contains the word ‘To' with the name of the person to whom the memo is directed; ‘From' with the name of the sender; ‘Date,' with the current date; and ‘Subject' or ‘Re,' followed by a brief statement of the subject of the memo. The heading may be single- or double-spaced, though double spacing makes it easier to read. Generally the heading is left-justified, and the headings themselves (To, From, Date, Subject) are generally mixed upper and lower case, though they can be all upper case.

To enter appropriate names and dates after each of the headings, use the <tab> key after the colons to align the information.

3. At the left margin, key To: Use the <tab> key and key the name of the person. Then press <enter> twice.

4. At the left margin, key From: Use the <tab> key and key the name of the person. Then press <enter> twice.

5. At the left margin, key Date: Use the <tab> key and key the date. Then press <enter> twice.

6. At the left margin, key Subject: Use the <tab> key and key the subject. Then press <enter> three times.

7. Begin keyboarding the body of the memo.

8. If the person keying the memo is different from the person who wrote it, press <enter> twice and key the initials of that person in lower case.

9. If there is an attachment, press <enter> twice and key Attachment on the left margin.


NOTE: If a copy of the memo is being sent to someone else, insert CC: on the left margin between steps 3 and 4 above and indicate to whom it is being copied, OR insert this information after step 8, below reference initials.

2. Using the information from the text, answer the questions:

1. What is a memorandum? How does it differ from a business letter?

2. What sections does a memorandum consist of?

3. What does each section of a memo include?

4. Who writes (keys) and signs a memo?

5. What is a typical format / lay out of a memo?

6. Which name does every section of the heading start with?

7. Is there a signature part in a memo? Why?

8. What is a typical procedure of sending copies of a memo?


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