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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 451.

Study the sample memo.


To: Students

Cc: Ruth Garcia, Principal

From: John McMahon, Instructor

Date: April 17, 2006

Subject: Completing Career Portfolios


I want to remind all of you that you are required to complete and present a career portfolio in order to receive credit for this class, as explained in the course syllabus. The due date for completed portfolios is no later than May 31. To date, I have reviewed only 5 portfolios.


As a reminder, required components of the portfolio are listed on the portfolio checklist in your assignment packet. They include a completed application form, a resume, three letters of reference, a cover letter to accompany a resume or make a job inquiry, and a follow-up thank you letter. Those wishing extra credit should also include at least four work samples, a personal reflective essay (per instructions), and an alternate resume using one of the formats we discussed in class.


Presentations of your portfolios will take place the first week in June. Only after I have reviewed your portfolio will I schedule your oral presentation, so the choice slots (niches) will go to those who turn in their work early.


Now is the time to speak to me if you have any questions. I am here to help!






4. Answer the following questions:

1. Who wrote the memo? Who keyed the memo? When was the memo keyed?

2. How is the receiver identified? Does the memo go to another group outside the normal working /educational locale?

3. If the memo was going to another group outside the University, what additional information would the author identify?

4. What is the purpose of the memo?

5. How is the subject of the memo identified? Is it clear and detailed?

6. Who else will receive the memo?

7. Which of the orders –direct or indirect - is used in the memo?

8. How does the memo close?

9. What does the “Attachment” stand for?

10. What is the punctuation of the heading?


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Manuscript Requirements for a Memo | Below are the basic rules of writing a good business letter or memorandum. They are followed by specific recommendations. Title each group of recommendations with the proper rule.
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