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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 549.

Answer the questions to the text.

Fill in the blanks in the text with the phrases that follow. Translate the text.

Memorandums that convey bad news are not rare in business. What is rare are bad-news memorandums that require indirect, (1) _________. Most memos can be written in the direct order and with little or no concern for tactual handling. But there are exceptions - memorandums carrying bad news that (2) _________.

Like the indirect letter, such personal bad-news messages require tactful handling. This means treating them indirectly – paving the way for the bad news (3) _________. It means watching words carefully, trying to emphasize the positive over the negative. It means writing from the reader's viewpoint with consideration for (4) _________.

Although persuasive memorandums are rare, those that are written are likely to be very important. Usually they concern a company project, proposal, or such that involves employee participation (company function, safety campaign). They present persuasive strategy designed to move the reader to (5) _________. Their pattern is direct, beginning with (6) _________ the persuasion strategy. Then they present this persuasion strategy, leading to the request for the action.


a. his or her best interest.

b. concerns the reader personally

c. accept whatever is being promoted

d. diplomatic treatment

e. attention gaining words that set up

f. with explanations, justifications, or such


1. What kinds of memorandums are occasionally written in business?

2. How should these memorandums be handled?

3. What does “indirect handling” mean?

4. When are persuasive memos written?

5. What is the objective of the persuasion strategy?


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Below are the basic rules of writing a good business letter or memorandum. They are followed by specific recommendations. Title each group of recommendations with the proper rule. | Efficient? Translate the memos.
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