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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 600.

Unit 13 Writing reports

A report is an official document that is written to serve the range of purpose in the research, business and sciences. Therefore, they need to be clear-cut and accurate. Good report writing call for professionalism, profound knowledge of the subject, attentiveness, and outstanding writing proficiency.

In business milieu (environment), business report writing happens to be an indispensable part of the communication process. Executive summary is written in a non-technical manner. By and large, audience for business reports will consist of upper level manager, for that reason you should take the audience needs in consideration. One should go on with the introduction to articulate the problem and determine the scope of the research.

Good report writing presents fact and logical interpretation of fact. It avoids presenting the writer's opinions, biases (partiality), attitudes. It has to be objective.

You can make your report writing objective by putting aside your prejudices, biases while approaching the problem with open mind at the sides of every issue, and by fair reviewing and interpreting the information you have uncovered.

Report writing may seem very difficult to do. However, if the report is well organised and if it is clear why each paragraph has been written then it is possible to write a concise, structured report.

Reports are generally divided up into sections. Each section has a specific purpose, and often there are specific guidelines for formatting each section. Generally, a report will include the following sections:

1. Title page

2. Abstract

3. Table of contents

4. Introduction

5. Body

6. Recommedations

7. References

8. Appendices


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