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A memorandum for each situation.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 921.

Memo writing practice. Read the following instructions carefully and write

Answer these questions.

Now, let's analyse these memos in more details. Read them again and

1. Does the subject of the A memo identify the bad news? Why?

2. What leads to the explanation of the problem?

3. Is the explanation negatively worded? Is it easy to understand?

4. What follows the refusal?

5. What is the character of the ending?

6. In the sample B how does the author gain the attention and sets up the persuasion?

7. Where is the explanation of the problem provided?

8. Is the explanation persuasive? Why?

9. What follows the persuasion?

10. What does the ending reemphasize?



A.You work for OFFSITE a local business whose major function is to help over 300 small businesses process data. Recently your boss decided to switch your company's database to Microsoft Access. While most of the employees adapted easily, you believe receiving the magazine Access Adviser would help them get the most from this tool. The magazine gives ideas for creating customs applications, custom forms, queries, and reports. It reviews concepts of Access basic language, helping readers master it. Readers can also learn how to create and use Access Wizards. You believe this is a low cost way to provide training, developing your employees into power Access users. For a small but growing business, getting the most out of the database can provide the competitive advantage it needs to dominate in markets. Ask your boss, Ray Olson, to authorize purchasing this subscription at $ 25.00.


B.As assistant to the president of the ABC Bank, the president has asked you to write a directive in memorandum form prescribing a dress code to your employees. The president wants two separate objectives – one for males and one for females (write the one for your sex). You remember the president's instructions: “For years we have had an unwritten code specifying conservative dress for all employees who are visible to the public. Recently more and more employees have strayed from this unwritten code. Every day I see our employees wearing some pretty far-out clothes, and some of their hairstyles and their use of cosmetics do not promote the image of the bank. The situation appears to be getting worse. I want you to work up an appropriate set of dress and grooming standards that we can live with. Work up a first draft. Then we will talk about it before we send it out.” Now you will begin to jot (write) down the dress and the grooming rules that you think will meet the president's requirements. When you have finished, you will have to write them up in the form of a memorandum that will convey them to the employees.



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Efficient? Translate the memos. | Introduction. Read and translate the text. Give its summary.
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