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Reinforcing facts.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 374.

Look at these three statements (a), (b) and (c). Which one does not support the main idea? 10 min

It is good to get your company's name in the papers (main idea)
a) It is a cheap and effective form of advertising
b) Journalists are always looking interesting stories
c) There are many different kinds of publications

The answer is (c). Both (a) and (b) support the main idea, and (b) provides additional support to make the argument stronger. It reinforces (supports) (a). You can show this by using:

In addition

It is good to get your company's name in the papers because it is a cheap and effective form of advertising. Furthermore journalists are always looking for interesting stories.

12. Now do the same with these main ideas.
First decide which statement (a), (b) or (c) does not support the main idea.

Then write two sentences that include the main idea, a supporting fact and a

reinforcing fact.

It is important to wear smart clothes to work
a) Most people wear casual clothes
b) It gives a good impression to customers
c) It shows that employees are professional

The company should get a new photocopier
a) The present photocopier is always breaking down
b) Modern photocopiers are much more efficient and reliable
c) Modern photocopiers can be bought or rented

The company needs a restaurant
a) Staff bring their own food for lunch
b) There is nowhere to eat near the company
c) Staff spend too long having lunch when they go out


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