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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 426.




I. Прочтите текст и найдите в нём предложения, где говорится о том, что:


- мученик Ефстафий был военноначальником в Римской армии;

- он прославился силой и блестящими победами в сражениях;

- он родился в богатой семье, получил хорошее образование и много земли в наследство;

- его имя до крещения было Плакид;

- у него было два сына, очень похожих на него.


Efstathius1, the Greek Martyr for Christ, was a brave commander of the Roman army during the reign of the Emperor Trajan2 (98-116 A.D.). A handsome man, he became well known for his strength and for his brilliant victories in battle. He was also well loved for his kindness to the poor and homeless, and recognized for his virtuous life.

He was born into a rich noble family, who gave him a good education, and he inherited a large amount of farmland. Before he was baptized with the name of Efstathius, his name was Plakidas3. He had two very young sons, Agapius4 and Theopistus5, who greatly resembled him, both physically and spiritually. His beautiful wife, Tatianie6, was as generous and kind as her husband.



1. Efstathius [jH'steITjqs] 2. Trajan ['treIGqn] 3. Plakidas ['plxkIdqs] 4. Agapius [q'geIpIqs] 5. Theopistus [TIq'pIstqs] 6. Tatianie ["txtI'RnI]

II. Прочтите текст и ответьте на русском языке на следующие вопросы:

1. Из какого рода происходила игумения Таисия?

2. Где она родилась и где она училась?

3. Где и когда она приняла постриг?

4. В какой день она умерла?

5. Чьей духовной дочерью была игумения Таисия?


Mother Superior Thaisia, born Maria Salopiva, was a descendant from the family of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. She was born in 1840 in Novgorod Province, and received her education at a young ladies' institute in St. Petersburg. A year after graduation she began her monastic life in the city of Tikhvin, Novgorod Province, at the convent dedicated to the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple. This convent housed the famous wonderworking Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. In 1870 she was tonsured into ryassa with the name of Arcadia. In 1872 she moved to the Novgorod Zverin-Protection Convent, and in 1878 again moved to the Zvansky Convent of the Sign, where she was tonsured and given the name of Thaisia. In 1881 she was appointed to head the Leushino - St. John the Forerunner Community, where she stayed until her death on January 2, 1915, the commemoration day of the repose of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Mother Superior Thaisia was the spiritual daughter of Archhimandrite Laurence of the Iveron-Valdai Monastery, and later of the great luminary St. John of Kronschtadt. She was one of the famous nuns in Russia, known throughout the whole of the Russian Church at the turn of the century.

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