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Complete the old joke about heaven and hell in Europe, based on stereotypes of various nationalities, using the words in the box

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 669.

Which of the statements are true about the article? Correct the false ones.

1.Prejudices never influence the organization operation.

2. It is not possible to work effectively in a heterogeneous group.

3. The complexity of communication grows proportionally to the growth of diversity in an organization.

4. Conflicts arise due to awareness of cultural diversity.

5. A culturally- diverse organization usually flourish.

6. Companies with strong culture do not accept any changes.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about stereotypes?

- National stereotypes are dangerous because they may create prejudice.

- Stereotypes contain a certain amount of truth and therefore useful.

- There is no such thing as national character, and therefore the idea of national stereotypes is completely wrong.

- The reason stereotypes exist is because people are afraid of diversity and what is unknown. They prefer to hold on the simple classifications, which maintain an old, familiar and established order.

- Stereotypes are simply harmless sorts of jokes we tell about other nationalities.

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Heaven is a place where the 1)… are British, the 2)… are French, the 3) … are German, the 4)… are Swiss and the 5)… are Italian.

Hell is where the 6) … are British, the 7) … are French, the 8) … are German, the 9) … are Swiss and the 10)… are Italian.

5. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1. Reaching …… is an important aspect of Dutch and Swedish business culture. Everyone needs to be consulted before a decision is reached.

a) decisions b) argument c) consensus d) democracy

2. Geert Hofstede chose IBM for his famous study on the effect of the culture on organizations because IBM had a very strong….. .

a) product range b) work ethic c) corporate culture d) management style

3. Developing cultural …… is one of the main aims of intercultural training courses.

a) perception b) awareness c) trust d) experience

4. Each company and organization has its own distinctive…… , which can sometimes be more of a barrier in international mergers than differences in national culture.

a) dress code b) example c) experience d) organizational culture

5. Global companies need to get the best from their international, ….. workforce.

a) open-minded b) competitive c) diverse d) decisive

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