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Look through the list of words carefully. Translate all the terms and be ready to explain them in English. Learn the terms and be sure you know how to use them.
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 489.
Unit discussion tasks
1. Which do you think is better for an international company - strong central control of international operations or decentralized decision-making? Does it depend on the business the company is in?
2. Your company, a well-known multinational producing components for the car industry, has a production plant in southern Italy, an area of high unemployment. The plant received Italian government and EU financial assistance when it was built three years ago. Now, due to poor productivity levels at the plant, the company is considering closing it down. However, there could be social, economic and political problems if it does so. You have been asked by the top management to write a report to present the case in favour of not closing it. Do so, giving as many reasons as you can.
| Terms and expressions
| Translation or explanation
| p. 22
| Information flow (n)
| Authority (n)
| Decentralized (adj)
| Division (n)
| Procedure (n)
| Deadline (n)
| To travel sideways (about information)
| Delayer (v)/delayering
| Deskill (v)
| Discredited (adj)
| Overcentralized (adj)
| Overproduction (n)
| Reschedule (v)/schedule (n; v)
| Unauthorized (adj)
| Unrelated (adj)
| Unscheduled (adj)/ ad hoc (adj, adv)
| Under-performing (adj)
| Under-represented (adj)
| Branch (n)
| Threaten sb with the sack (= to sack, to fire, to axe)/to dismiss
| T 1 (1.12)
| Organizational chart (n)
| Lines of command (n)
| Report to sb (v) = be responsible to sb
| Span of control (n)
| Independence structure
| Entrepreneurial structure
| Bureaucracy structure
| Matrix structure [ei]
| T 2 (1.13)
| Formal/Informal structures
| Headquarters (n) = head office
| Standardized (adj)
| T 3 (1.14)
| To meet demand
| (Horizontal) dimension (n)
| Line manager (n)
| To work on projects
| Input (n)
| T 4 (1.15)
| Set roles (n)
| Top-to-bottom (vertical) hierarchies
| Production planning
| p. 25
| Command (n,v)
| Relate (v)
| Methods of production:
Job production
Batch production
Flow production
| Lean production
| Economies of scale
| T 5 (1.19)
| Input-process-output
| Added value (n)
| T 6 (1.20)
| One-off (production)
| To meet customers' needs
| Revenue (n)
| Labour-intensive (adj)
| Capital-intensive (adj)
| Division of labour
| To raise productivity
| Just-in-time manufacturing
| Storage costs (n)
| Production run (n)
| Organic growth (n)
| Sustainable and naturally developing growth
| Sustainable (adj)
| p. 26
| Production output (n)
| Production line/assembly line (n)
| p. 27
| Continuous operation
| Management tools
| T 11 (1.22)
| Recap smth (v) = sum up
| Compendium
| Text 1
| Assist (v)
| Come under influence (v)
| Charter (n)
| Grass-root (n)
| NGO (n)
| Subsidiary (n)
| Transparency (n)
| Text 2
| Autonomy (n)
| Comprise (v)
| Economies of scale (n)
| Production unit (n)
| Text 3
| File for (v)
| Keep pace with (v)
| Launched a lawsuit against (v)
| Pin hopes on (v)
| Reiterate (v)
| Run out of (v)
| Stem (v)
| Unanimously (adv)