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Phrases and Word Combinations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 449.



1 St Bartholomew's, St. Swithin's Hospitals: medical schools in London.

2 invigilator: a person who watches over students during examinations.

3 Old Bailey: Central Criminal Court, situated in London in the street of the same name.

4 the tripos: examination for an honours degree in Cam­bridge University.

5 firsts, seconds, thirds: a system of grading degrees.

6 the viva: an oral examination.

1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers any­way.

— You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.

— I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to im­ply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine,".the house­master said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function".

The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can do anything.

Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for research.


to cheat in exams to adopt an attitude of…

to tick smth off …towards

to swot up colloq. for to study to get through

to keep an eye open for smth/smb to cut smb short

to mark and grade the papers to rally one's thoughts

to come out (about results) to call out names

to raise one's voice

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