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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 393.

1. annoyvt/i 1) to make a little angry, especially by repeat­ed acts; to disturb and nervously upset a person, e. g. Wilfred did not want to pay too much attention to Fleur, he was afraid of annoying her.

Syn. vex, irk, bother

2) persistent interrupting, interrupting with or intruding on until the victim is angry, or upset, e. g. Clouds of flies annoyed our horses.

Syn. worry, harass, plague, pester, tease .

Ant. soothe, comfort

to be annoyed at/over smth,e. g. He was annoyed at the boy's stupidity.

to be annoyed with,e. g. The old woman was annoyed with the noisy children.

annoyinga causing one to feel annoyed, as annoying man­ners, e. g. How annoying...! The annoying thing about it is that I keep thinking about Lizzy.

Syn. bothersome, irritating, troublesome, harassing, torment­ing, nagging, vexatious.


2. chattervi 1) to talk quickly or foolishly or without a stop, e. g. The two gids chattered merrily unaware of Roger's pres­ence. 2) to make quick indistinct sounds, e. g. The sparrows were chattering on the roof of the cottage. 3) to strike the lower and upper teeth together from cold or fever, e. g. She was so frightened that her teeth chattered.

chatterboxn a person who chatters.

chatternsounds of the kinds described by the verb to chat­ter, e.g. The chatter of the birds could be heard everywhere.

chattering n e. g. The cheerful chattering of children came from the nursery.

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