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Higher education for science in the US

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1080.

B Many scientists continue their education in other countries. The table below summarises higher education for science in the US. Make a similar table for your country and then answer the following questions.

A In pairs, discuss the following questions.

Planning a career in science.

Unit 1. Getting started in research.




1 Why did you choose a career in science?

2 What field of science are you currently working or studying in?

3 What would you like to do next in your work or studies?


1 Is science education in the US similar to science education in your country?

2 If you decided to study in the US, which qualification would be best for you?


Qualification (lowest to highest) Category Duration (full-time) Place of study
Associate of Science degree (AS) undergraduate 2 years community college or junior college
Bachelor of Science degree (BS) undergraduate 2 or 4 years * college or university
Master of Science degree (MS) graduate (postgraduate) 2 years university or graduate school
Doctoral degree (PhD) graduate (postgraduate) 3 to 8 years university or graduate school

* Students who have already completed an Associate (AS) degree can become a Bachelor of Science if they study for two more years.


2 a ▶ 1.1 Eriko is from Japan and will soon complete a PhD in biotechnology in London. She is discussing the next stage in her career with her supervisor, Susana. Listen to part of their conversation and tick the options which interest her and put a cross next to the options which do not.

□ teaching (undergraduate) students

□ doing post-doctoral research

□ supervising a research team

□ finding a permanent position at a university

□ discussing theory

□ doing practical fieldwork

□ staying in London

□ finding a well-paid job


b1.2 You will hear eight sentences from Eriko and Susana's conversation. Listen and complete the first row of the table by writing the number of each sentence (1-8) in the correct column.

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XI. Make questions to the words underlined in the sentences below. | A Read the following extract from a website and then, in pairs, answer the questions below.
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