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A Read the following extract from a website and then, in pairs, answer the questions below.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1074.

Applying for research funding.

B In pairs, take turns to interview your partner about his/her career parth in science. Use the phrases from Exercise 2c to help you.

C Look at the phrases below from Audioscript 1.2. Put the phrases into the correct part of the second row of the table in Exercise 2b.

Likes or dislikes past experiences future (more certain) future (possible)

Talking about ...

1 'm meeting

2 did ... was working

3 ‘m not so interested in

4 could

5 find it really interesting to

6 ‘m going to

7 ‘ve done

8 would

3 a Think about your career in science and make notes on:

  • what you enjoy most about working in your scientific field
  • what you would like to do (and not like to do) next in your career
  • which of your past and present experiences are most relevant to your future in science




1 Can an organisation apply for this scholarship? About

2 Would you be interested in applying for SARF? The Sheridan Australian Research Fellow-

Why / why not? ship (SARF) aims to develop science in

3 What information might you need to include on Australia by attracting outstanding scien-

your application form? tists in their field to continue their research

4 What are the advantages of attracting scientists in an Australian university or research in-

‘with future potential for leadership in their field' stitution. SARF fellowships are awarded to

to a country? individual scientists with future potential

for leadership in their field. Successful ap-

b Eriko has decided to apply to SARF and hasplicants receive a 5-year grant covering sa-

downloaded an application form. Look at the list lary, travel and relocation costs.

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Higher education for science in the US | B Read Eriko's completed project summary. Then say what you think the commercial
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