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B Read Eriko's completed project summary. Then say what you think the commercial

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1143.

A Section 7 of the form asks applicants to write a project summary of their research proposal. Think about a research project in your area. In pairs, take turns to summarise the project following the instructions (1-6) below.

To Eriko's notes on the information she needs to provide (a-j).

Of sections on the form (1-10) and match each one


Sheridan Australian Research Fellowship Notes

APPLICATION FORM a an explanation of how I'll do the research and

1 Applicant why it is important

2 Current appointment and address b a short description of what I'll research

3 Location of proposed study c a statement from a senior researcher explaining

4 Sponsor's recommendation why I'm a suitable applicant

5 Departmental support d how much I plan to spend on my research

6 Project title e the job I do now

7 Project summary f the name of someone to support my application

8 Details of proposed research g what I'll call my research

9 Budget h permission from my head of faculty to use his/her resources

10 Nominated referee with personal i where I plan to study

knowledge of applicant j my personal info

1 State the aims of your research

2 Define what the problem is

3 Explain why your topic is worth researching

4 Say what the expected outcomes of the research are

5 Outline the procedures you will follow

6 Outline how you will limit your investigation


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A Read the following extract from a website and then, in pairs, answer the questions below. | A 3-D odour-compass for odour-detecting robots
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