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Completing a Material Transfer Agreement.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 690.

Find a piece of published research you are interested in and then make a table like the one in Exercise 7d and take notes. Use your notes to write two paragraphs of a critical review in an appropriate style.

C Put extracts 1-6 in the correct order to make two paragraphs. One paragraph should summarise part of the research, the other should give an evaluation.

B Read the six extracts below from a critical review of another paper. Replace the underlined phrases with an underlined expression from Exercise 8a.

1 A bad thing about this research is there were only 20 participants. Another problem is all the subjects were hospital employees.


2 Also, the blood flow in the brachial artery was measured before they drank the coffee, and 30 and 60 minutes after.


3 The researchers looked at how the blood flow changed.


4 The result of the research was that the people who drank caffeinated coffee had decreased blood flow to their upper arm.


5 The results might not be the same for the general population. There was also no measurement of the changes in blood pressure and blood flow after one hour, so we can't know when blood flow returns to normal.


6 20 subjects, between the ages of 25 and 50, who usually drank little coffee, were given either a caffeinated or decaffeinated Italian espresso coffee. They gave blood before the coffee was drunk, and an hour later.





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A Read two extracts from Ryuchi's completed critical review and answer the questions. | B The next part of the email identifies some key issues and offers advice on them. Match the headings (A-E) to the extracts (1-5).
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