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A Read two extracts from Ryuchi's completed critical review and answer the questions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 799.

1 Do the extracts include all the main points from Ryuchi's notes in Exercise 7d?

2 Which extract (A or B) ...

a summarises part of the research?

b gives an evaluation?


A 30 young healthy adults completed a pre-trial B One problem with the research is the

questionnaire to assess their anxiety levels and small sample size (only 30 people) which

based on this, they were classified as either high was further divided into smaller groups.

or low anxiety. All participants ate 40 g of dark There was also no control group in the

chocolate a day for 14 days. On days 1, 8 and 15 study, making it impossible to conclude that

urine and blood samples were taken and changes chocolate was the cause of the changes seen

in cortisol and catecholamines in the urine were rather than some other factor such as other

analysed, as well as energy metabolism and gut food or drink, lifestyle change or activity

microbial activity. The research found that after level. Furthermore, only young healthy

14 days, the level of stress hormones in the urine adults were investigated and so the results

was reduced in all participants. In addition, there cannot be applied to those who are older or

was less difference between the two groups in have pre-existing health issues.

energy metabolism and gut microbial activity.


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D Read the Summary column. Which questions from Exercise 7b can you answer? | Completing a Material Transfer Agreement.
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