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Do you know?Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1479. A B Home -homeward Relative -relatively Centre -central Cube -cubic economy - ________________ philosophy -_______________ strategy -_________________ base -_______________ atmosphere -_________________ history -_______________ Model 2 Noun + “-al” – adjective industry -________________ origin -________________ monument -________________ culture -________________ form -________________ globe -________________ Model 3 Adjective + “-ly” – adverb recent -________________ free -________________ ultimate -________________ wide -_________________ subsequent -________________ possible -_________________ Model 4 base word +“ –ward(s) - adverb after -__________________ in -_________________ south -__________________ for -_________________ up -__________________ out -__________________ back -__________________ to -__________________ west -__________________ north -__________________ Ex.9. Match synonyms inA and B. 1. recent 1. main 2. emerge 2. egoism 3. transformation 3. look for 4. major 4. modern 5. self-interest 5. appear 6. seek 6. change 7. occupation 7. supposition 8. welfare 8. influence 9. basic 9. business 10.ultimately 10.well-being 11.assumption 11.fundamental 12.affect 12.finally 13.succeed 13.benefit 14.interest 14.reasoning 15.argument 15.follow Ex.10. Find the antonym of the first word in each line. 1. recent a) great; b) important; c) old; d)new 2. major a) principal; b) minor; c)difficult; d)active 3. private a) public; b) own; c)total; d)busy 4. to increase a) to affect; b)to create; c)to reduce; d)to follow 5. to purchase a) to expand; b) to find; c) to sell; d) to buy 6. various a) identical; b)final; c)necessary; d)free 7. to destroy a) to succeed; b)to create; c) to bring about; d)to seek 8. to accept a) to deny; b) to use; c) to face; d) to insist on 9. expenditure a) rationale; b) supply; c) share; d) earnings 10. obsolete a) fresh; b) subsequent; c) different; d)monumental Ex.11. Translate the following word combinations into Russian. a financial state – to be in a nervous state – a gaseous state – to state a problem – to state a law – an independent state– to govern a state – welfare state – a state organization – the United States of America; a free choice – to make free use of the library – to be free to seek occupations – to be free in the evening – in a freeand easy manner – free of charge –free education – afree electron – to feel free – to free the world from the threat of war – to free from taxes; academicinterest –deep interest – to showinterest – to takeinterest in economics – to be of interest for students – in the national interest – in theinterestof peace – to act in one's own interest – without interest– business interest – to work for a company at a certaininterest – to receive interestfrom a business – a rate of interest – a conflict ofinterests – politics doesn't interest me; to buy property– individual property – intellectual property – privateproperty – a man of property– a property tax – a chemical property; for thebenefit of the nation – to derive a benefit from something -- economicbenefits – tax benefits– old agebenefit -- unemployment benefit– to benefit from trade – to benefit people; to accept the theory fully –to accept the responsibility – to accept an invitation – to accept a post -- to accept equipment – to accept a person as a business partner – to accept a check – to be generally accepted; a fair share in business – lion's share-- a share of responsibility – a share in making a decision – ordinary shares– preference shares– to share the money equally between two partners – to share one's opinion – to share a house with other people ; organic matter– reading matter – the matter of the report – a serious matter – a matter of importance – to give attention to the matter – What's the matter?—the matter is that – it's no easymatter – for that matter – no matter – it doesn't matterat all – as a matter of fact. Ex.12. Match A and B.
Ex.13. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Despite the great varieties of economic structures it has become possible to group them into four broad categories. 2. Very often a son follows his father into an occupation and uses the same skills and tools. 3. In economic theory competition is referred to as the regulatory tool of capitalism. 4. Jean Baptiste Say stated that changes in market prices emerged from changes in demand and supply. 5. Although economic planning is also used in societies where property is privately owned, it is assumed that a fully planned economy means one in which all the important means of production are publicly owned. 6. In answer to this argument it has been stated that the division of labor makes job in one industry very similar to jobs in another. 7. New fiscal and monetary measures have been taken to stimulate both private and public investment. 8. In economics many theories have been derived from the assumption that people tend to maximize their material welfare. 9. The subject matter of economics is human behavior which is very difficult to predict. 10. Despite the fact that the company has expanded and needs skilled labor power it hasn't made expenditures on training. 11. It was Adam Smith who insisted on the role of competition in the market economy. 12. We don't assume that pure competition has ever existed in the production and sale of most goods and services. 13. A lot of economists deny K.Marx's argument that capitalism will be succeeded by a world without private property. 14. The private nonprofit sector of the economy has greatly expanded in recent years and decades. This expansion is affected by the investment policy of the state. 15. Traditional solutions to the economic problems of production and distribution still remain in primitive agricultural communities. 16. The amount of the taxes that the company hasn't paid is being widely commented on in business community. 17. It has become common practice for European states to own shares in multinational projects. 18. The use of gas instead of diesel in power generation has been insisted on by environmentalists. 19. Most of us are employees and are paid for our work. Thus ability of people to buy in relatively large amounts is in large part influenced by wages. 20. The matter is that the demand for natural resources is derived from the demand for products of such resources. 21. The state of economic thought is influenced by the level of development of the society, thus some economic tools have already become obsolete. 22. The expansion of capitalism was followed by a large-scale machine production. 23. It is the introduction of metallic money that brought into operation a series of laws which remain effective for all countries and historical epochs. Ex.14. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the origin and meaning of the word “economics”? 2. When did the economic theory emerge? 3. Why is Adam Smith spoken of as the founder of the classical school of economics? 4. What principles of economic liberalism were stated by Adam Smith? 5. Can you prove that certain assumptions of classical economics were accepted as the basis of economic analysis? 6. What theory was developed by K.Marx? 7. Why are John M.Keynes' economic analyses so important? 8. What basic economic problems does society face? Ex.15. Fill in the blanks choosing the proper English word from those given before the text. (expenditures; derived; private; expand; states; spending; succeeded) 1) In recent years economists have (…) the “multiplier principle” for the analysis of the effect of (…) and investing on the national income. This principle (…) that a certain investment, either by a (…) investor or by the government will be (…) by a series of consumer expenditures. These (…) will exceed the original investment and will thus (…) the national income. (occupations; assumed; incomes; self-interest; seeks; benefits) 2) It is (…) that the motive for economic activity is (…). Each unit in the market economy (…) what is best for itself. Firms act in ways which, they believe, can bring maximum (…). Workers choose those (…) and locations which offer the highest wages. Consumers spend their (…) on those things which bring the maximum satisfaction. (compete; property; shares; competition; economy) 3) Market (…) is based on the institution of private (…), on the profit motive and on (…). Business firms compete for (…) of the consumer's money. In the markets for productive resources firms (…) for scarce materials and energy. Ex.16. Translate the text in writing. Use a dictionary. Publication of Adam Smith's “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776 has been referred to as “the effective birth of economics as a separate discipline». The book defined land, labor, and capital as three factors of production and the major contributors to a nation's welfare. Smith described the market mechanism as an “invisible hand” that leads all individuals towards the production of benefit for community as a whole. He argued that in competitive markets social interests are affected and advanced by self-interest. A.Smith shared some of the Physiocrats' ideas, but denied the assumption that only agriculture was productive. The general approach that Smith initiated was called political economy and later classical economics. It included such notables as Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. While Adam Smith placed emphasis on the production of income, David Ricardo focused on the distribution of income among landowners, workers and capitalists. He stated that the growth of population and capital pushes up rents and holds down wages and profits because of fixed supply of land. Thomas Robert Malthus used the idea of diminishing returns (ñîêðàùàþùèéñÿ äîõîä) to explain low living standards. Population, he argued, increased geometrically, while the production of food increased arithmetically. The force of a rapidly growing population against a limited amount of land meant diminishing returns to labor. The result was chronically low wages which were followed by the low standard of living. According to Malthus unemployment was affected by the economy's tendency to limit its spending by saving too much, a theme that remained forgotten until John Maynard Keynes revived it in the 1930s. Though John Stuart Mill shared the opinion of the earlier classical economists on many aspects of political economy he pointed to distinct difference between the market's two roles: allocation of resources and distributing of income. He suggested that the market might be efficient in allocating resources but not in disturbing income. Thus he insisted on the intervention of society. Ex.17. Translate into English. Õîòÿ ñëîâî «ýêîíîìèêà» èçâåñòíî ëþäÿì ñ äàâíèõ âðåìåí, ýêîíîìèêà êàê íàóêà ïîÿâèëàñü òîëüêî â 17 è 18 âåêàõ. Îñíîâàòåëåì êëàññè÷åñêîé øêîëû ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé òåîðèè ñ÷èòàåòñÿ Àäàì Ñìèò. Èìåííî Ñìèò ñôîðìóëèðîâàë ýêîíîìèêó êàê íàóêó è îïðåäåëèë çàêîíû è ïðèíöèïû ðàáîòû ñâîáîäíîãî ðûíêà, òàêèå êàê ñâîáîäà âûáîðà ðîäà çàíÿòèé, ÷àñòíàÿ ñîáñòâåííîñòü, ñîáñòâåííàÿ âûãîäà, íåâìåøàòåëüñòâî ãîñóäàðñòâà è êîíêóðåíöèÿ. Ñìèò ñ÷èòàë, ÷òî ñîáñòâåííàÿ âûãîäà ÿâëÿåòñÿ äâèæóùåé ñèëîé ýêîíîìèêè, ò.ê. íà ýêîíîìè÷åñêîå áëàãîñîñòîÿíèå îáùåñòâà â öåëîì çíà÷èòåëüíî âëèÿåò ëè÷íàÿ ýêîíîìè÷åñêàÿ çàèíòåðåñîâàííîñòü ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëÿ. Çà ðàáîòàìè Àäàìà Ñìèòà ïîñëåäîâàëè ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå òåîðèè òàêèõ ó÷åíûõ êàê Òîìàñ Ìàëüòóñ, Äàâèä Ðèêàðäî, Ñòþàðò Ìèëë è äð. Âñå îíè âíåñëè çíà÷èòåëüíûé âêëàä â ðàçâèòèå ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé ìûñëè. Ìíîãèå òåîðèè ýêîíîìèñòîâ - êëàññèêîâ ïðèíÿòû çà îñíîâó ýêîíîìè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçà. Î Êàðëå Ìàðêñå ãîâîðÿò êàê îá îñíîâàòåëå òåîðèè íàó÷íîãî êîììóíèçìà. Ê. Ìàðêñ ïðåäñêàçûâàë êðóøåíèå êàïèòàëèçìà è ïåðåõîä îáùåñòâà ê êîììóíèçìó: ìèðó áåç ÷àñòíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è ýêñïëóàòàöèè òðóäà. Îäíàêî íå âñå ýêîíîìèñòû ðàçäåëÿëè ó÷åíèå À.Ñìèòà. Äæîí Ìýéíàðä Êåéíñ îòîøåë îò êëàññè÷åñêîé øêîëû. Îí íàñòàèâàë íà âìåøàòåëüñòâå ãîñóäàðñòâà â ýêîíîìèêó. Êåéíñ ðàçðàáîòàë ïðèíöèïû àíàëèçà äîõîäîâ è ðàñõîäîâ. Ýòè ïðèíöèïû äî ñèõ ïîð ñ÷èòàþòñÿ âàæíûìè èíñòðóìåíòàìè ñîâðåìåííîé äåíåæíîé è íàëîãîâîé ïîëèòèêè ãîñóäàðñòâà. Îñíîâíûå ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå âîïðîñû, ñ êîòîðûìè ñòàëêèâàåòñÿ ëþáîå îáùåñòâî – ýòî: ÷òî ïðîèçâîäèòü, ñêîëüêî ïðîèçâîäèòü è êàê ïðîèçâîäèòü. Ýêîíîìèñòû ïûòàþòñÿ íàéòè îòâåòû íà ýòè âîïðîñû óæå ìíîãî ëåò. Èòàê, âîçíèêàþò íîâûå ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå èäåè è íàïðàâëåíèÿ. Ex.18. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the introductory phrases from Ex.26 (Unit 1) 1. The science of economics is relatively young. 2. It was Adam Smith who formulated economics as a science. 3. The laws of the free market were originally stated by Jean Baptiste Say. 4. Karl Marx predicted the emergence of the society without private property. 5. John M.Keynes broke from the classical school of economic theory. 6. The basic economic problems have become obsolete nowadays. Ex.19. Use the words and expressions given below to speak on the following: a) Adam Smith as the founder of the classical school of economics: economic thought, emerge, formulate as a science, state principles, free market, self-interest, private property, competition, nongovernment intervention, motivating force, to increase economic welfare, benefit the community, develop doctrines, accept basic assumptions. b) Karl Marx' theory of scientific communism: evolutionary phase in economic development, destroy, be succeeded by, exploit workers, deny a fair share, predict movement toward communism, own the means of production. c) The role of John M.Keynes in economics: break from the classical tradition, be primarily responsible for the income-expenditure analysis, improve and expand the presentation, excellent tool of economic analysis, monetary and fiscal policies, insist on government intervention, prove the rationale, government spending and taxing. d) Basic economic problems: despite the differences, remain the same, be common to all societies, no matter, find the answer, new ideas emerge, fresh understanding, make obsolete. Ex.20. Read and study the following information: Suppose you came across an advertisement that stirred up your imagination. You are willing to apply for a certain position. What do you do in this case?
- The source of information about the post you are applying for. - Your age and education. How many languages you know (if necessary ). - Where you have been working and why you are looking for a new job. - When you could start a new post. This is an example of an Application letter. Dear Mrs. Hughes, I would like to apply for the position of Sales Manager advertised in yesterday's Standard. I am 32 years old and was educated at Oxford. I speak English and French fluently in addition to my mother tongue, German. I am familiar with all types of oil and gas systems used on the Continent and regularly read papers and journals on the subject. I hope this information will be sufficient for you to consider my application. I should be grateful if you could send me a job description. Yours sincerely, Hans Strauss
message. CV is an abbreviation for two Latin words – Curriculum Vitae that means a brief account of the main events of a person's life. Sometimes in the US it's called Resume. Here is an example of such Curriculum Vitae: Name: John Edward Harvey Age: 27 years old Date and place of birth: 7th August 1968 Home address: 27 South Street, Stoke Ripton Birnshire, XY 19 LM Tel. No.: (49675) 223926 Marital Status: married, three daughters, aged 8,9,12 Education: 1979-1987 Ripton Country School 1987-1988 Grant College of Further Education 1987 “A” Level in French, German, History 1988 Certificate in Business Studies Experience: 1987 and 1988 Summer job working at a local Supermarket Interests: Swimming, tennis, hockey, music
company from the advertisement in the local paper. Write an application letter and enclose your CV in it.